Not a community member here, so I have no opinion on your move; but as a 196 user I commend you on actually asking the question.
Best of luck :)
Big tech and governments are monitoring and recording your eating activities. c/Privacy provides tips and tricks to protect your privacy against global surveillance.
Not a community member here, so I have no opinion on your move; but as a 196 user I commend you on actually asking the question.
Best of luck :)
Thank you!
No. The entire point is for people to have choice. There is no downside as a user to joining multiple communities with the same name/theme on different instances.
Consolidating communities onto one instance is a vanity project of mods who want to control users and prolific-posters who want to control narratives.
Get me a client that only shows one copy of a posted-everywhere article and I'm in. I see most news upwards of 7 times -- per article. The Donvict sneezes and I'm reading it a dozen times.
I would be interested in such a client, if and only if it showed the comments from all my subscribed communities that have the article.
Yes! That would be fantastic.
This being, I could see some value having a community focused on privacy and privacy laws in Canada given the others are mostly US centric. The laws are different and your rights and adversaries to protect against are all different.
A pinned post suggesting that community would make sense however!
No. People should have choices. Isn't that one appeal of decentralization?
In terms of other options, there are already
There are only so many people interested in the topic on Lemmy, and .ml is already the most active community by far.
While i appreciate the work put towards a healthier Lemmy experience for everyone, I'm also concerned about the consolidation efforts happening lately.
I agree with streetfestival that it comes off as pushing towards centralisation of communities within instances that are considered "acceptable" (by whom, for whom, what criteria?), which to me goes directly against the idea of federation.
[email protected] is perfectly fine and was actually the community people recommended when .ml was considered not reliable anymore. Why make people move again?
The goal is to have users have a choice, not force people to use four to five "main" instances and go back to a Reddit style of ownership when it comes to communities. Until we have an option to federate and share comments between communities, I'd rather "live and let live" than force a specific usage of Lemmy upon users.
I don't find that argument convincing.
No to any consilodation. Trying to force people to a particular instance is about the most anti-fediverse move there is. If that's what you want, go make a subreddit.
Just curious but what's the reasoning behind locking the community?
Providing the option to join other similar communities is totally fine.
Currently I only see locking as a means to reduce options to people so I'm wondering if someone can fill me in on what I'm missing.
What's the rush?
[email protected] is effectively new. I joined it when I saw the recent announcement, but it remains to be seen how the community and moderation there will take shape. If it ends up going in a direction that I find unhealthy (as I have seen happen in a few subreddits) it would be ~~nice~~ important to have a place to return to.
The objective is to indeed make [email protected] grow.
In terms of other options, there are
There are only so many people interested in the topic on Lemmy, and .ml is already the most active community by far.
The objective is to indeed make [email protected] grow.
Sure, but couldn't people be directed there just as well with a pinned message, and maybe a sidebar comment?
My concern is that locking this community would be a bit like tearing up the road behind us when heading off to an uncertain destination.
There are only so many people interested in the topic on Lemmy, and .ml is already the most active community by far.
And? If you think reducing's influence requires that a single competing community absorb the others, then I think you are mistaken. If you think that we must choose a single community for each topic that interests us, then I know you are mistaken.
Do it
Shia Labeouf meme