Uhh.. so who's going to ask..?
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Well.....you know what they say about tall guys with tiny feet, right?
.....that they're sick of the penis size jokes.
Haha why is this so true? Luckily whatever made my hands and feet lilliputian didn't affect any other part of my body.
Read through the comments because I just assumed this was some sizing scale I wasn't familiar with, but nope. US size 3! That's wild. I'm 6'3, size 13 wide. I never really got to wear kids shoes, so I was always jealous of the other kids who had wheelies and stuff.
Dude, for me, get a pair of wheelies. Live my dream for a day, alright?
Also, you mention your hands are also small. Does that cause any issues for you? Youve answered a million questions about your feet, but I'm curious if your smaller hands cause you pain when carrying things, do they make it harder to type? Any advantages? Are Pringles cans much more enjoyable for you?
Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I'll definitely wear some wheelies for you bro. Have to admit I'm pretty jealous of your size 13 wides...I wish I could get a decent pair of adult running shoes like you could I'm sure. So with my hands I've found playing some instruments quite difficult - especially guitar where I've struggled to play some chords and needed to get a 3/4 size guitar. Hand shakes are also awkward - both men's and women's hands can kind of dwarf my own. But yes, I guess the benefit is that my hands are much more nimble - I can easily reach things under the fridge and am pretty handy despite my handlets.
Adult heelys exist, friend. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
Edit: Just found out that there are adult heelys that also light up. First bright point of this year discovered.
Not just for your height, most Heights. Does it ever lead to balance issues?
Sometimes. I can walk and run fine because my calves and foot muscles I think have grown bigger to compensate. But still trip all the time. Windy days are not my friend.
you know what they say about small feet...small socks
Real question: any issues standing up and keeping your balance?
My calf muscles and foot muscles have grown larger I think to compensate and keep me relatively balanced, but I'm still a klutz and trip all the time. Can easily lose my footing if I'm shoved in a crowd for example. But yeah for the most part can walk and run fine.
It’s brilliant how that body works.
That means you have small pp as well. Sorry bro.
Nah that part of me was spared fortunately
You must feel like a god while cranking it then. Like you have the biggest hog in the west lol
How do you find shoes? I imagine there's not a whole lot of selection of adult shoes at that size.
Mostly online. Women's sizes are all too big so can only wear kid's sizes. The trick is finding something without Velcro and superheroes all over it (though I have a cool pair of Optimus Prime sandals just because I can). Converse and Vans are reliable.
Running shoes and dress shoes are particularly frustrating though. Sneakers in a size 3 are not designed for the wear and tear a 6'1" man is going to put them through so I'm buying a new pair every few months. Dress shoes as well are hard to find in designs that don't look like clunky Communion shoes.
As a 6’3” guy with size 16 feet, I have arrived at the same conclusion over here at the opposite end of the bell curve. Love my Converse and Vans.
Do your smaller-than-average feet have any appreciable effect on your mobility? If not, I have to wonder why we need these clown-ass feet at all. Waste of meat and leather.
No not significantly. Obviously I've always secretly wondered this as well. I could not imagine walking around in size 7s...let alone size 10s or size 13s! That just seems like so much foot to me. I feel like I'd be stubbing my toes all over the place and they'd be so heavy as well. Saying this, I know that no one could possibly understand this as I'm the odd one out here...but yeah, to me everyone has absolutely (too?) massive feet.
You want some of mine? I’m a size 12 and it’s hard to find shoes in 12. Most places carry a smaller selection, so I can usually find shoes, just not shoes I want.
Even worse. I wear size 12 and a half. Surprise! They don't make half sizes after 12... So, either swimming in a 13, or super snug in a 12.
Have you ever watched Andy Richter Controls the Universe? One of the episodes has a whole B plot about a main character having surprisingly small feet.
No I will have to check this out. Love some small foot representation.
Im 6'1 and size 14. I hate buying shoes lol.
I noticed his shoes seemed smaller than I expected, so I looked it up: Rafael Nadal has relatively small shoes (size 10 for 6'1"), and he is widely acknowledged as the greatest clay court player of all time. Your time will come, friend!
Haha size 10 and size 3 are a world away but thank you I appreciate your optimism! I'm not bad at tennis!
Do people mention it much?
Yes sometimes random strangers will comment on it which is awkward. It's quite noticeable. In high school I used to try to wear much bigger shoes like size 7 (the biggest I could wear without them falling off me) to make it less noticeable but it hurt like hell lugging those around all day so I stopped. It's annoying but I'm used to it I guess.
Sounds like a lady when he's walkin' in the room 🎶
(I mean this in good humor. If it's a sensitive topic I'll delete)