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The Democratic Party is only there to ensure the interests of the capitalist elite and prevent any real political party from forming against those interests
(this is not a defense of Andrew Yang or whatever bullshit political party he is backing)
Until the Electoral College is abolished, third parties will never gain enough momentum to make a positive difference. All they do, currently, is siphon votes away from the ideologically closest party. If not abolition of the EC, then at least nationwide ranked-choice voting is a minimum requirement.
If 3rd parties really want to make a difference, instead of trotting out every 4 years for a presidential run (cough Jill Stein cough), run as independent or 3rd party in lower-level elections and work toward systematic change from the bottom up.
If a 3rd party only pops up for the big-ticket elections (cough Jill Stein cough), then as far as I'm concerned, they're spoilers acting in bad faith.
AFAIK, that cough is not COVID; it's just really dry in here.
What makes you think third parties aren't there to hurt the Republican party? You've never heard of libertarians?
Personally, I think it's really fucked up that the "two party system" is even a thing and election reform aimed at killing it should be a highest priority in the US.
I'm going to lock this because it's not really a question meant to inspire conversation, it's more an inflammatory statement posed as a question. This is more appropriate for e.g. ! If you can come up with a less inflammatory title / something more conducive towards casual conversation, feel free to post again.