we suffer together
typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!
rule 1) be kind
other cat communities midwest.social cats
This is your life now, if you move and wake them you will have committed a great crime.
You'd think that, but I did get up, went to the toilet, got back on the couch and got claimed again by both like nothing ever happened. My kittens are sluts
Oh, sure. They definitely didn't make revenge plans in your absence. There's absolutely nooo reason to look into your shoes before putting them on for the next few weeks!
Nah, my shoes are safe (except the laces). Their revenge consists of throwing stuff from tables etc. and hide small things under the rug. I have a lego Saturn V. It was thrown onto the ground, now I sometimes fins pieces under the rug in the living room. There's dedication, the Lego set is upstairs in a spare room. But they also target spare keys from friends houses, my toothbrush once, pieces from a plate they threw off my kitchen counter and once they even stole my phone when I fell asleep on the couch, again neatly put under the living room rug.
You should try and figure out what they're planning to build! My best guess is a human-size cat mecha.
Cat Jail the best kind of jail to be in.
Ever wondered why it's called a catether?
Pur the great cat parent agreement of year 0 you are obligated to ignore all bodily functions during nappy time
You have a projector but no pee tube?
Cats are absorbent.
I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’re peeing where you lay.
Assert dominance. Pee on them.