What kind of style are you looking for?
Generally, you will want to look for hardsurface modelling. Plenty of videos on that topic available (and a bunch of good plugins)
A community for users of the awesome, open source, free, animation, modeling, procedural generating, sculpting, texturing, compositing, and rendering software; Blender.
What kind of style are you looking for?
Generally, you will want to look for hardsurface modelling. Plenty of videos on that topic available (and a bunch of good plugins)
for the moment because i'm on a timeline only a simple hardmask, maybe in two parts but thats all i m realistic enough that i know my limit for my first try
there is a guy how does a lot of robot modeling, there he uses a two subdiv workflow that is really good for doing simple and fast hard surface stuff. I think i would do it like that, here a link where the workflow is explained: https://youtu.be/FB8rBDLw3iE
its probably good, that when you have no reference for the head to take a base mesh from https://www.blender.org/download/demo-files/
I used the human base mesh bundle a lot as a reference when i did masks