I feel like they make too much with their NSO subs to ever do this.
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Ya, I'm sure they calculated the ROI for a monthly/yearly subscription vs the Virtual Console purchases and projected that the subscription would be not just larger source of income but also more consistent which "investors" (aka stockholders) will prefer so Nintendo's stock goes up and to the right.
While I agree with that math, I feel like if they add the virtual console, they could capitalize on the purchase of third party developer games that they can’t license for subscriptions for the current model. Maybe they’ll go with a blended approach, where some games are based on the sub and there are others that are up charges or purchases as well where they take a bit off the top when selling older games for the virtual console.
While I agree with that math, I feel like if they add the virtual console, they could capitalize on the purchase of third party developer games that they can’t license for subscriptions for the current model. Maybe they’ll go with a blended approach, where some games are based on the sub and there are others that are up charges or purchases as well where they take a bit off the top when selling older games for the virtual console.
The ideal thing would be something akin to GamePass. Bring back the Virtual Console with as many games as they can get on as many systems as the Switch 2 can emulate. Let people buy games as they wish, but people who subscribe to NSO get regular free retro games.
Nintendo won't do this, but it would be the best of both worlds.