"the anecdotal display of migrant crime i see on tv is what matters, not the statistial evidence" - my family
World News
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We live in a post-truth era
Neo truth Era. You make your own
To quote one of the greatest minds of American executive administration's: alternative truths!
Don't watch TV then
Yeah but fake news sure do love blasting that shot every chance they get and normies love doing that faux outrage.
Yeah but how are their pets
How is that possible? They can't legally work, so they must illegally work. What did I miss?
I think unreported employment is being handled by customs and the tax administration, not the police.
Also, migrants include naturalized citizens and people with permission to work.
You're saying they just excluded the group of people who can't work from this study?
No, they're excluding entire classes of crimes that really don't matter to begin with. Otherwise the crime rate of most countries is 100%
Yeah, that seems disingenuous.
I mean, crime rates are almost certainly 100%. That's a terrible metric. The metric isn't a percent but the number of crimes committed per month per capita.
Immigrants and migrants can legally work.
When did that change?
It hasn't, as far as I know. I am not aware of any country that currently or historically prohibits immigrant or migrant labor.
What? This is definitely the case in the US. And I've read its the case in Germany.
Or are you also just excluding undocumented folks from the set of people?
Undocumented immigrants are also immigrants. They do not have permission to work legally.