Starbase activities (2025-03-21):
- Mar 20th cryo delivery tally.
- Build site: Overnight, B16 moves from Massey's to Megabay 1. (NSF, LabPadre, ViX 1, ViX 2)
- A Berry LTM11200 is assembled in the ring yard, reportedly the same crane which built Starship MK1 back in 2019. (ViX 1, ViX 2)
- Highbay deconstruction continues with more cutting work on the roof, which results in a rather pretty shower of sparks inside the Highbay. (cnunez, ViX, Anderson / NSF)
- Launch site: Three new wall sections for the Pad B flame trench are delivered bringing the total to six. (ViX, Render from Killip)
- Two wall sections have been installed in the flame trench so far. (ViX)
- Pad B chopsticks are raised to the top of the tower for the first time. (LabPadre, ViX, Anderson / NSF)
- Other: RGV Aerial conduct a flyover, and post a picture of another shipment of cryo tanks pulling into port. This is likely explains the Mar 23rd transport notice.