day 9 wahoo, just got out of NA, couple of my friends in the same boat, scared shitless to make a fearless moral inventory of ourselves. im curled up in a ball crippled by depression. now is not the time to be roasting myself. but it's truly amazing I was having such a shit day, I went and was open and honest, talked shit with other addicts and alcoholics after. 12 steps arent for everyone but it really helps to be around like minded individuals. that's why we're here, right? love you, have an excellent day.
Stop Drinking
This is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. It is also a place for non drinkers to discuss and share.
We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for advice, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut down.
Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile.
You Can do it!!! So stoked in you for taking these first excruciating steps, it takes massice courage and fortitude to even try and quit much less make it 9 days, i believe in you!!! NAs are a lifesaver, but dont be afraid to talk to a psychiatrist if once you get past the withdrawals and cravings (they do drastically deminsh over time fr fr) to find out what you were self medicating for with alcohol. It took me far to long to take that step personally. Godspeed random internet stranger!!!!!
hey thankyou so much I just got off the phone with my sponsor 1hr call gearing up for step 4, my backup plan if everything goes to shit, general encouragement and gratitude. I saw a psyche a few days ago, he thinks I have ADHD, both kinds of ptsd anxiety and chronic depression. bunch of new meds, increased doses etc, if I clear a urine test he'll trial stimulants. worth a try. hope to one day get away from all meds but right now I need all the help I can get. godspeed to you dear stranger.
i will not drink with you today