It's a trick this space could use more of, recognizing the need for joyful outlets to remind one of what's being fought for.
Welcome to /c/tumblr, a place for all your tumblr screenshots and news.
Our Rules:
Keep it civil. We're all people here. Be respectful to one another.
No sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or any other flavor of bigotry. I should not need to explain this one.
Must be tumblr related. This one is kind of a given.
Try not to repost anything posted within the past month. Beyond that, go for it. Not everyone is on every site all the time.
No unnecessary negativity. Just because you don't like a thing doesn't mean that you need to spend the entire comment section complaining about said thing. Just downvote and move on.
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/c/[email protected] - Star Trek chat, memes and shitposts
/c/[email protected] - General memes
Joy as an Act of Resistance is a fantastic album from IDLES. Never Fight a Man with a Perm is one of my favorite songs about kicking Nazis (well, specifically alt-right toxic manfluencers) in the face, and Danny Nedelko restores my faith in humanity and reminds me why we fight fascists.
I love IDLES!
What a superb quote!
I recently read Pleasure Activism which does a lot about how to cultivate joy in your life. This joy is specifically cultivated in non consumerist methods. There's a huge section on making activism joyful to build community. It was a wonderful book.
P.S. I love Dan Savage. I read his column and listen to his podcast weekly. If you have never tried it it's amazing. He also started the It Gets Better Project
Where can I get some ACT-UP boots? I've already got the party attire.