Review was enjoyable! I love tea so I might play. The fact it can reflect psychological realities over what the usual "correct" gaming responses are (reviewer gave answer about self-divulging about a problem to an NPC usually being the right choice, but they picked the option to say they were not really ready to talk about it, and the game did not punish that, it continued to feed them story with the NPC) sounds really cool.
The fact the reviewer felt conflicted about the game being about a warrior who needs to relax and take it slow, while he was playing in a manner that personally stressed him out and he didn't find it relaxing actually made the game sound pretty good to me. Things that stress some people out don't stress others out. Some people have to purposely slow themselves down in Stardew Valley to not feel stressed and pushed by a mental checklist, I'm not one of those people. If I have no goal to work towards in a game (self-assigned goals count), I'll have trouble.