All that carefully crafted well paid for propaganda down the drain.
Only for Wikipedia to hit Israel with 'It’s not close’ - Israel committing genocide concludes Wikipedia ending editorial debate
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All that carefully crafted well paid for propaganda down the drain.
Only for Wikipedia to hit Israel with 'It’s not close’ - Israel committing genocide concludes Wikipedia ending editorial debate
Not all Jews are Zionists, so the using the word 'nation' would incorrectly conflate the two.
Pretty sure OP is a zionist though, so you might be wasting your time here. Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
Personally I took one look at the article, and the first thing is an image showing pro-Palestinian protestors being characterized as anti-Israel, so I closed the tab.
I had them tagged as such already, you're correct.
That would be incorrectly conflating the terms nation and country
The author themselves is already conflating nation and country by stating that a 'nation' requires territory. While the Jewish people are a 'nation' in the sociological sense, the author is using the term in its political sense, as would apply to the subset of Jews who are Zionists, rather than the Jewish people as a whole.
The author is misleading readers by painting the editors as having the goal of denying the right of the Jewish people to territory. Unlike Zionism, it is not a nation with an inherent political basis, but rather one with strong cultural and ethnic ties.