this post was submitted on 17 Feb 2025
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Støtte på dette opslag i zero waste (se opslag under) og det fik mig til endelig at slå dette opslag og som jeg har tænkt på i nogen tid.

Burde vi ikke lave bedre lovgivning for hvordan producenter bruger indpakning så vi ikke skal affaldssortere til at starte med. Lovgivning som diktere at man kun må bruge f.eks pap, papir, metal, træ, plantemateriale etc som indpakning og man skal altid bruge mindst muligt. Hvis det kan bevises at man bruger overflødig indpakning har man f.eks 5 måneder til at ændre det. Eller man kunne give en bonus til virksomheder som opfinder ny indpakningsteknologi. Al indpakning skal ikke bare kunne skilles ad, men skal også minimere kompleksiteten således at man kun bruger så få forskellige materialer som muligt.

Et godt eksempel er faktisk mobiltelefoner som i dag stortset kun bruger pap som indpakning så når man har taget varen ud så ryger 100% af indpakning til papaffald.

Hvad synes i om dette emne. Lovgivning eller måske noget helt andet?

tværpostet fra:

The fact that it's the consumer's responsibility to sort their waste and to try and minimise its impact on the environment in the first place is completely wrong to me.

Most people in urban areas rely on stores for basic survival, and the vast majority of products we buy there come with unnecessary waste. It doesn't make any sense to then tell these people "by the way, you'd better clean up that mess when you're done because it's bad for the environment". If governments were truly concerned or willing to act, this waste wouldn't make it into our homes in the first place.

If a company wants to sell a product, they should be held accountable for the waste that comes along with it. They should have to prove that they can reuse the waste and be incentivised to reduce it. If they can't, they can't operate.

Ecocide laws need to become commonplace, and the consumer should not be responsible for their waste if they haven't got legitimate alternative options. I understand this community is more willing to do their part in this regard, but I don't think it'll ever be feasible to expect this from the wider population. We need to stem the flow, not just handle the mess.

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