joined 2 years ago

Utrolig så musikalsk min hjerne synes den skal være kl 2 om natten når jeg skal sove. Kunne åbne et helt diskotek eller en radio kanal med at det lort den genererer. Det er værre end en AI algoritme som bare sprøjter musik ud uden at vide hvad den laver.


Søndag aften er et godt tidspunkt til at reflektere over ugen, der er gået, og dele sine tanker og reflektioner. Hvordan har du haft det? Er der noget, der har fyldt meget, gjort dig glad, eller måske været udfordrende?

Del så meget eller så lidt, som du har lyst til.

Botten ser ud til at have misset det sædvanlige opslag så her kommer den lige manuelt.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Any way i can report a website for violating this rule because I see it constantly everywhere and it seems to have no consequences.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

If only I could up vote your comment again. These numbers are really nice to have.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago

I always wanted to write a message like this but.... I have ADHD so never really got around to do it and in my mind I thought I already did.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Oh really. It seems to contradict the graphics. Cars are also stupid efficient now. I also ran some quick calculations on my electric bike and it is crazy how many km*kWh⁻¹ you get and how little it cost to run.

I've heard about some research showing that an electric bike over it's entire lifetime is more environmentally friendly than a traditional one because the amount of extra food you need to consume without the electric help is over time more co2 than the co2 it costs to charge the battery. I don't know where the research is from since I just heard it from a colleague so don't quote me on it, but electric motors are really efficient so it sounds very plausible to me.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Interesting. It just feels so counterintuitive, but as I wrote, it was just a hunch and apparently many telle me now its not so. Do you have any numbers or sources to back up the claim that I can use for future fun facts sessions to annoy my family?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (8 children)

Nice graphic. ~~But it seems like it doesn't factor in kg of mass moved. A human and a bike is a lot lighter than a car or a horse. You could also argue that the vehicle weigh should be ignored but then again you could easily argue back that weight of goods move can possibly be a lot higher with a car if you load it up to capacity~~. Ignore that. I did not see it said 5 riders for the car

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I totally see these in real life because the path angle doesn't align with the incoming foot traffic like the crosswalk in this example.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago (18 children)

Someone can probably do the math, but i have a hunch that humans are technically not very fuel efficient if you look at calories burned pr the total mass being moved along.

But whatever it is biking is awesome, but being technically correct is even better.


Now that windows 10 is end og life soon I want to update my gaming PC to Linux but I am very unsure on how to approach it, even though I'm pretty proficient in Linux. I daily drive Debian 12 on my laptop and have Ubuntu server and truenas on two other devices but those are all for very different use cases than gaming. I'm not afraid of the terminal (I actually often prefer it over GUI) but since this setup is for gaming for both me and my girlfriend I want this experience to be as easy and hands off low maintenance as possible.

My desktop is about 6 years old and consist of an MSI Tomahawk B450 motherboard with an Ryzen 5 2600X and an Asus Nvidia 1660ti and 16GB of RAM. I just recently installed 1TB nvme SSD so I have a decent amount of capacity available, but I'm generally not interested in dual boot since I have bad experience from the past with windows suddenly deciding to take over and ruin it all. For temporary testing it is of course an option but I really don't like it due to the maintenance of it.

Important games for me is Sims 2, 3 and 4 (with almost all expansions packs on Sims 4) and they are currently purchased through the EA game store. I also have a few steam games and Minecraft but I'm fairly sure they all work decently since I've tried on my laptop.

I use steam remote play to stream the desktop to a MacBook on the local network when Sims is played and it works quite well at the moment and it is important that it continues to work or an alternative remote play function to mac is easily available.

Sims is my biggest worry to get working since my girlfriend is playing it a lot and with a lot of custom content (mostly just assets) added along all the expansion packs. Rebying everything through steam is not an option (way too expensive) so I really hope there is a way to get EA GameStore to work without too much effort using wine or some other workaround.

I hope you guys have some ideas on how to approach this and keep the most important functions for me up and running.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I agree that it's still littering. It was also more as an "if in worst case it does end up in nature it is at least compostable" kinda thought.

Despite being compostable, it would take years to degrade

What the heck do they think a banana peal is made of?! From my own experience no more than a single year and it is degraded so much it is basically dirt


Støtte på dette opslag i zero waste (se opslag under) og det fik mig til endelig at slå dette opslag og som jeg har tænkt på i nogen tid.

Burde vi ikke lave bedre lovgivning for hvordan producenter bruger indpakning så vi ikke skal affaldssortere til at starte med. Lovgivning som diktere at man kun må bruge f.eks pap, papir, metal, træ, plantemateriale etc som indpakning og man skal altid bruge mindst muligt. Hvis det kan bevises at man bruger overflødig indpakning har man f.eks 5 måneder til at ændre det. Eller man kunne give en bonus til virksomheder som opfinder ny indpakningsteknologi. Al indpakning skal ikke bare kunne skilles ad, men skal også minimere kompleksiteten således at man kun bruger så få forskellige materialer som muligt.

Et godt eksempel er faktisk mobiltelefoner som i dag stortset kun bruger pap som indpakning så når man har taget varen ud så ryger 100% af indpakning til papaffald.

Hvad synes i om dette emne. Lovgivning eller måske noget helt andet?

tværpostet fra:

The fact that it's the consumer's responsibility to sort their waste and to try and minimise its impact on the environment in the first place is completely wrong to me.

Most people in urban areas rely on stores for basic survival, and the vast majority of products we buy there come with unnecessary waste. It doesn't make any sense to then tell these people "by the way, you'd better clean up that mess when you're done because it's bad for the environment". If governments were truly concerned or willing to act, this waste wouldn't make it into our homes in the first place.

If a company wants to sell a product, they should be held accountable for the waste that comes along with it. They should have to prove that they can reuse the waste and be incentivised to reduce it. If they can't, they can't operate.

Ecocide laws need to become commonplace, and the consumer should not be responsible for their waste if they haven't got legitimate alternative options. I understand this community is more willing to do their part in this regard, but I don't think it'll ever be feasible to expect this from the wider population. We need to stem the flow, not just handle the mess.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Even better of all packing is 100% natural compostable in the first place so of it ever ends op in nature it'll be gone before you even find it.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (6 children)

We need packaging minimisation legislation that requires manufacturers to minimise packaging to an absolute minimum both in terms of sheer volume but also in terms of material complexity meaning no gluing together plastic and paper or fused metal plastic wrapping where it is not needed. And finally minimising the packaging also inadvertently means you cannot make bottles weird shapes to fool you into thinkng the bottle is bigger than it actually is, because that means unnecessary material was wasted

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (8 children)

I've only ever had the opposite issue with the nozzle being too far away from the bed due to the bed leveling using a dirty nozzle because the nozzle "cleaning" rutine uses a way too cold nozzle temperature so the plastic is not soft enough to be pushed away and the filament is not retracted so it also oozes because it has been heated for too long. Imo the printer should purge, then retract then clean and then bed level.


Januar er altid en hård måned at komme igennem synes jeg. Julen og nytåret er overstået og et nyt år er startet og der er så mange ting man gerne vil opnå eller ting man har sat sig for. Vejret er mørkt og vådt og nogle dage ville jeg ønske at vi mennesker bare kan gå i hi og sove indtil marts. Selv om batterierne er flade og vejret mørkt så nød jeg da i det mindste at se solen lidt i dag. Tager en dag ad gangen for tiden imens jeg håber på at energien langsomt kommer tilbage. Håber i andre kan holder modet oppe hen over vinteren.


Har ofte korte eller længere perioder hvor jeg sover dårligt eller kun halvt.

Det er ofte sådan at min hjerne bare kører derudaf med alle mulige "drømme" men hvor jeg godt ved at jeg drømmer men vil egentlig hellere bare sove da jeg føler mig træt.

Hele dagen efter er bare øv, træt og grå og jeg kommer så igen ofte for sent i seng da jeg er mentalt stærk nok til at tage mig sammen og komme i seng.

Det har sikkert noget at gøre med min ADHD da jeg altid hele mit liv har haft enormt svært ved at sove dybt og godt igennem. Min hjerne kan ganske simpelt hen ikke slukke.


Som det første opslag på denne gruppe vil jeg blot spørge om hvordan din uge er gået.

Selv kan jeg godt lide et reflektere lidt over hvordan jeg egentlig har haft det. For mig selv har denne uge været 4.5 (på en skala fra 1-5) på trods af at det er første arbejdsuge efter ferien. Jeg logger mit humør flere gange dagligt via en app hvilket jeg har gjort i flere år nu og det går ret godt for tiden. Der kommer nok et længere opslag med noget af alt mit data senere.

Jeg er spændt på hvordan folk tager imod denne gruppe og jeg håber at i vil dele hvordan i har det.


Ny Carbon steel pande er for vild! Det er min nye yndlings pande. Tror aldrig jeg komme til at bruge andet.


I really need som tips on how to avoid getting trapped by my own hyperfokusing.

I very often i get completely consumed by either youtube shorts or something similar and i loose complete sense of time and spends literally 5 hours on just doom scrolling and wasting time. The worst part is that I'm hyperly aware that I'm doing it the whole time and I really want to stop but I just won't shake myself off of it. I feel so bad because i should go walk the dog or go do my hobies instead. It happens the most often when I'm supposed to work from home and it makes the guilt feel even worse. If only I could do something for myself at least while not actually working. The only way I've found working so far is blocking the websites from me using blockers but I know that I'll just either circumvent them or find something else that's equally bad for me to hyperfokus on. And I do have legitimate reasons to use YouTube sometimes for work for tutorials etc so blocking it doesn't really work so well for me.

How do I get out when I find myself in that trapped state? Let me know how you are dealing with it.

I wanna add that I'm medicated with methylphenidate but it doesn't really work on getting out of the trap if I've first gotten in.


opskrift på tofustykkerne. Det er super nemt, og ja de er stadig sprøde selv om de har massere af lækker sovs på dem.

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