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"(Icelandic Prime Minister) Guðni later clarified that he was only joking, and that he did not have the power to ban particular toppings on pizza; he added that even he would not like to live in a country where the leader could ban anything that they did not like.[25]
American author John Green reflected on the dish's cosmopolitan origins and reach, noting its Canadian invention by a Greek immigrant, inspired by Chinese cuisine to put a South American fruit on an Italian dish, which has gained its greatest popularity in Australia"
Oh fuck, he's gonna do it next week, isn't he? Trump's gonna ban Hawaiian pizza for being "too DEI."
Oh fuck, he’s gonna do it next week, isn’t he? Trump’s gonna ban Hawaiian pizza for being “too DEI.”
he'd have to actually 1) learn something, 2) listen to something John Green said.
Not gonna happen.
I have an excuse to buy more!
"And you call it Hawaiian despite clearly being from Canada?"
It's a provincial term
Surprised there is no mention of critics from Italians.
They all died lethally while scrolling past.
And it's two at night in Italy right now. I should go to bed.
As if I needed another reason to love our sisters and brothers from the North.
And it doesn’t even have Spam on it. What were they thinking?
They didn't have any so they subbed with Canadian bacon. I've never had it in Hawaii, but I bet at least some places there use spam.
See, they are nasty.
Normally I'd make the typical "food crime" jokes about this choice of toppings, but somehow, being critical of Canadian cultural stuff, even just a joking manner, just feels horrible now, like it'd be in bad taste with all the undeserved trouble my country has been giving them of late. If they can find a way to enjoy pineapple pizza, good for them.
I enjoy it without the ham, and a side of blue cheese. Yum.