Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--
Yeah. There was an incident in the university where I studied that the whole roof collapsed.
It still happens to me as of today.
I've found the relevant GitHub issue, which says the fix is to compile lemmy with pict-rs v0.4.0-beta.7 or later versions.
I lived in Kowloon when Kai Tak Airport was still in use. We had planes flying super low above our place all the time everyday.
Here is a picture I found on Wikimedia Commons that illustrate how low were the planes.
It was very noisy as you can imagine.
The schools in Kowloon had air cons installed pretty early when air cons were still considered expensive and not very common among school buildings. It was necessary because the windows had to be closed for all time for soundproofing.
Surprised there is no mention of critics from Italians.