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Ukraine has urgently called on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) to address Russia’s illegal deportation of 19,546 Ukrainian children and the disappearance of an additional 1,700, all victims of Russian aggression.
Estimates suggest that 1.6 million Ukrainian children remain under occupation or in Russia. To date, only around 600 have been repatriated, with each case being a complex and arduous struggle.
The Russian authorities are not only separating these children from their national identity — they are forcibly imposing Russian culture on them, militarising them, and grooming them for future conflicts.
Children in occupied territories are trained to assemble firearms and operate drones within Russian military youth units
Thousands remain ensnared in this system, with some boys, abducted by Russia and sent to fight against their homeland upon turning 18.
“Forced mobilisation had begun in the city. Draft papers were delivered to every house, and Maksym’s friends were being grabbed right off the streets. One of them was forced to sign a contract with the Russian army under the threat of 25 years in prison,” [head of the Save Ukraine NGO Mykol] Kuleba [wrote] in story of one of the Ukrainian boys.
Ukraine’s youth face an existential crisis — threatened by immediate physical harm, severely disrupted education, and the erosion of their national identity