I mean, in D&D, people who become wizards basically do so by pirating spells from each other and trying to encrypt their own spellbooks with DRM.
Post wizards
No ai art
Nonaffiliated links to more wizards
One of the Shadowrun 6e source books has an actual Clippy style book called Grimmy the Grimiore. It's awful.
When you steal the wizards spellbook
Atleast the spells have real value.
Divine Rune Management?
Digital Reality Modification
Like, the other meaning of digital. My mom says I'm funny.
I used to write notes on my wrist, I called it my personal digital assistant
Look, I told you last time: I don't expect much out of a knowledge spirit you threw in for free with my quills, ink, and scrollpaper. But if for some gods-forsaken reason you won't allow me to dismiss it from my service, you can't have it lie when it doesn't know something!
At that point it's not a knowledge spirit! It's false advertising! You sold me a scroll kit cursed with a liar spirit!
I'd give you points for style, that's one creative curse! Except you didn't mean for it to be a liar spirit. You truly think this thing helps your customers.
Tried using new magic and wound up with all these passive spells I didn't even know about just doing nothing and draining all my mana. Might as well be cursed by a witch.
I have to use a compatibility spell to cast these other spells that don't normally work on my Magic System. Some spells will never work because they want access to the underlying cosmology of my Magic System, which is not possible for security reasons.
You're missing out by not letting Clippy become your Patron.
I think of it a bit differently
Magic is some sort of chemistry (think alchemy), or the union of plants and animals (food, cooking).
wizardry is pure information processing. it has all the spells, incantations, orbs, and spirits.
i'm not sure where i got this notion. magic has always seemed like infusing hot water with herbs and stuff (medicine), while a wizard in my imagination is some old dude holding a book in one hand, a staff in the other hand, and reciting some weird words.
i think it goes back to german "Magie" comes from "Magen" which means stomach (food processing), while "wizard" comes from "wise"/knowledgesome.
Sorry, that's what makes new magic new.
Sounds like Java to me.