Can we all agree that people that send voice notes for no good reason are the worst?
No I don't want to find some time to sit through your 5 minute ramble.
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Can we all agree that people that send voice notes for no good reason are the worst?
No I don't want to find some time to sit through your 5 minute ramble.
Forgive me, friend, but I am not familiar. You're saying they send like... like... voice-mail? Fucking monsters.
The text doesn't do my sentiment credit. I, too, would hate those people. My boss does this. Hostages people in conversations. I don't want to be your fucking soundboard for 47 minutes mate!
I call it "stream of consciousness texting", and it drives me berserk.
It’s ADD, you get a text for every new thing that pops into our heads.
Welcome to the club!
Some people also don’t like getting a wall of text, smaller text messages (think paragraph size) can be easier to scroll, digest and respond too.
Sometimes it’s the same thought, sometimes it’s multiple. I’ve never had someone ask me to put multiple messages in one to make it easier to deal with. Usually want them broken down.
add has nothing to do with your ability to not hit send every third word
you can write it all out in one message, or a few messages if something new pops into your head, i promise
I think whoever is doing that is fucking with you.
We can finish whole sentences, lots of them, we just get this anxiety that you won’t understand because our brains are broken, so we keep adding more to try and get our point across and then we realize we have sent too much, so then we have to explain that.
It’s just a bunch of snowballing into a negative feedback loop after that, that’s when we stop all the texting and just try to figure out what the hell is wrong with us and how to fix it.
But hey, hyper focus is almost a superpower!😁😞
I prefer it over the paragraphs to be honest breaks up the info and helps my shitty eyes read it better
It depends
some people
don't even send
whole sentences
just single words
gotta find
where the sentences end
no punctuation either
that's kinda annoying
Lmao you got me with that one fuck thats annoying
Insert an empty line. Problem?
What's wrong with that?
Do you not have unlimited texts?
to answer your question, it's just annoying to get 8 notifications when it can just be one
The apps really should handle that better.
yes seriously, if you get a message - send an alert, after so many "rapid" messages (x amount of seconds, should be user configurable) the notifications stop and it instead monitors and after a certain time period then it gives you a notif "received x messages from y in the last z time units" if the messages haven't yet been viewed.
So easy, low hanging fruit, but oh well I guess
"Mr. Google, I have a genius idea that I definitely came up with myself."
"Mr. Google, some people don't like my genius comments, but I came up with another idea. Only likes or agreement based voting on social media platforms. No one likes being disliked, so I say we eliminate it. I don't care if users are talking about texting or turkeys. No dislikes."
Isn’t it more annoying to get a wall of text? A couple extra notifications to make responding easier is the better option sometimes.
Granted if it’s single sentences it’s different, but if it’s a few paragraphs, far easier to deal and respond in chunks.
It's a wall of text either way, one of them just has new texts where the other has new lines
just say what you need to say, thoughts all over the place make it harder to respond
1 or 2 put together paragraphs is better than 12 different thoughts all thrown at you individually
just a more understandable, more mature way of sharing information
It's embarrassing in a public space or if you're trying to get something done
My rule when someone does this, is to not respond for at least an hour. Doesn't matter what they said, or how urgent the matter is (unless it's a true emergency), 1 hour minimum.
Honestly it depends on the context. If my good buddy is sending me their thoughts on a really bad piece of media then ya I want the stream of consciousness take. But if this is a random text from an acquaintance then it better be in as few chunks as possible
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Temba, his arms wide.
"Not the size of your arms,my arms!"
stop sending me so many messages!
Mirab, with sails unfurled
Saw your text.
What time?
Oh wait I see it.
(Gif of giraffe on roller skates)
I think it’s okay.
Edit: this was meant to be a gif.
well said
What gets me is that most apps I've seen do not use the full screen width to display messages. On a phone, in portrait mode, the screen is small enough, but the apps only use about 75% of the screen width. when they could use more. THis makes walls of text/paragraphs even more difficult to read.
This is me, I'm sorry
My brother hates when I do it, he straight up mutes me on discord for a day or so if I do it hahaha Probably other people too... As someone said here, it's probably my ADHD, never thought about it in that way but it does make sense.
I've been trying to cut down on the amount I send though. Keeping things concise, as much as I can.
I honestly think this is a bit of a generational gap. I grew up in the 90s and remember when "PCS" phones (the kind that started the whole personal cellphone thing for the masses) did not have text messaging. Then, later, some did, others didn't.
Eventually, every phone and carrier supported SMS. IMO, that's partly because they charged per message. Shortly after that, some carriers offered a friends and family texting plan, where you could set a small amount of phone numbers (I think 5 was common) that would be unlimited texting, everyone else you texted was some small amount per message.
Pretty quickly that was followed with unlimited texting plans.
Almost immediately after that long form texting, aka MMS was introduced, but it was problematic from day one..... You could also send multimedia over MMS, like pictures.... They were compressed to hell, but it worked.... Sometimes.
Everything went RCS and data driven chats after that.
The key point I'm driving at is that early texting, aka SMS, was limited to a maximum of 160 characters, which might just be able to contain the jist of a sentence. If you grew up before sms became a thing, long form may suit you better than alternatives. If you grew up with SMS, you probably have a learned behavior that text based messages should be pretty short and to the point, so many small-ish messages are probably required.
I am excited to see what happens with those that didn't have to limit their messages to 160 characters, grow up.
I'm more or less on the cusp of the technology. I was subscribed pretty early on in my youth, so I'm kind of both but also nether. Anyways...
In my experience the biggest reason texts were short wasn't the limit but the fact that we grew up having to text on a telephone keypad so it took forever.
You became u, etc.
T9 wasn't all bad.
Yes T9! Ty I couldn't remember what it was called.
I remember trying to find a decent T9 keyboard for Android a while ago but failing. Maybe I'll have another look.
Good luck
L8r m8
Thanks, this post inspired me to find a new text notification sound.
"None" is my favorite sound. I'm looking at my phone enough, I'll get it when I get it.
Or those who text in pentameter's beat.
I hate when people text poetically
2-3 is ok, but any more than that and it starts to get ridiculous