I feel like too many people take being corrected like this as a sign that I'm trying to be condescending when, to me, it's a simple courtesy I hope other people extend to me as well when I mess up.
Bone Apple Tea
A community for funny phonetic misspellings of words or phrases. Bonus points if this misspelling comprises actual words, like this community’s namesake: Bon appétit —> Bone apple tea
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A lot of people correct others not out of courtesy. Maybe this mom has been burned too many times before.
To be fair, sometimes the timing of correcting someone can play a role. Waiting to correct a spelling error until after the main point has been discussed is usually best, otherwise it can be perceived as condescending.
Whether that was the case in OP's message or not I cannot tell from the bit we have.
The human brain really fuckin hates being wrong. To the point it will create false memories to prove it's right. This is a recorded psychological phenomenon.
Yep. Humans arent rational creatures. We're rationalizing creatures. We don't actually think critically. Instead, we just convince ourselves that we do.
Moms get a pass.
And now I'm teaching you to spell. It's the ciiiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife
I talked to a customer the other day at work who kept saying he'd connected his phone to the "wee fee".
I've been in IT over 20 years and I say "wee fee."
Eee tee guy ^
Eee Tee Guee
I'm surprised he was able to attach his phone to the turnstile at a train station's bathroom. :)
I'm sure that this authoritative video agrees but I'm at work so can't play it out loud.
That's not how English works, because fuck you.
I just had a conversation with my mom where she brought up the spoon thing when I complained I'm just here free IT guy. I told her "yeah, but i fucking learned. That either means I'm way smarter than you or you're just an old dog that can't learn new tricks".
She's your fucking mom dude.
In Germany we have a saying
"Alter schützt vor Torheit nicht"
Translated: Age (or expetience from age) doesnt save you from being a moron.
Can confirm. Am old. Am also a moron.
And? You don't know me, my mom, or our relationship. This could have been a situation where my mom is a narcisistic horrible person, or it could have been a situation where my mom and I are giving each other a hard time and cracking jokes. Both of these make my response perfectly reasonable.
If you must know this was all in good fun. She thought my joke was funny. I frequently talk to her like this and she laughs. Litterally half an hour later she was so thankful I was such a great kid to raise among other things.
Fair - it was late and I was tired and over reacted - carry on. I am the asshole here everyone, thank you.
And? I've heard more stories about entitled mothers than should exist.
"How is that relevant to the topic at hand?"
the student becomes the teacher. knowing how to use a spoon does in fact not translate to every other skill.
I love the conspiracy lady who tells everyone that Bill Gates wants you to get vaccinated because he wants you to eat the meat grown in a Peach tree dish
My mom likes to say "you wouldn't know what ___ is if it weren't for me!" Whenever this happens