
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 16 hours ago

It pains me that some of these awesome electric motor bikes are still hamstrung by limited battery sizes. But on the flip side, when (not if) newer battery technology becomes available, we'll know exactly what to use it for.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 21 hours ago

There are, but the process may be truly arcane -- 1993 for the .us process found in RFC 1480 -- but people have done it:

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I'm of the opinion that gloves are a solution for avoiding or limiting calluses, but with the asterisks that: 1) it can also be a (minor) crutch if not also developing your grip strength in tandem, and 2) that gloves must be properly fitting or else it might be even worse than no gloves at all.

If the calluses seem to relate only to isolation exercises, then #1 is less of an issue. But if they appear due to compound exercises, then that's a clue to improve your grip, as a callus ostensibly is due to uneven pressure around your hands.

For #2, ill-fitting gloves might grip the implement or barbell or dumbbell, but if the glove slides against your palm, then it'll bunch up and that virtually guarantees uneven pressure. You might also consider fingerless gloves, so that there's material only where it's needed to avoid palm calluses.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I happened to have a friend that is into lifting, but also my work has an on-site gym with a dedicated fitness instructor. But had those circumstances not been available, I would have considered hiring a personal trainer for a few sessions. Another option is to see what your local city might offer in terms of continuing education, since that often also includes time with a fitness expert.

That said, while it's true that a video won't properly describe the full motion for an exercise, it should be the case that watching a video should avoid all the major pitfalls that might cause injury. If there's a risk that you'll injure yourself, it might be because you're trying too much weight too early.

If needed, you can even try an exercise with little or no weight, to make sure your form is dialed in. Also, do not underestimate the utility of setting up a camera on a tripod to record your form. It's something which is fairly easy to do, and more people can quickly review a video and give tips, even online.


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[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I don't think I was? As a rule, I always remove the automatic +1 for my own comment, since I prefer to start the count from zero.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

@jayemar already gave a valid counterpoint, about how to select the technocrats in the first place. But let's suppose we did somehow select the best and brightest of their fields. The next problem is that life is messy, and there often isn't a single answer or criteria which determines what is in the public interest.

Btw, for everyone's benefit, J-PAL is the Jameel Poverty Action Lab at MIT, with branches covering different parts of the world, since policies on addressing poverty necessarily differ depending on local circumstances. They might be described as a research institute or maybe a think tank, as they advocate for more-effective solutions to poverty and give advice on how to do that.

Poverty, as an objective, can be roughly distilled into bringing everyone above some numerical economic figure. There may be different methods that bring people out of poverty, but it's fairly straightforward to assess the effectiveness of those solutions, by seeing how many people exit poverty and how much the solution costs.

Now take something like -- to stay with economics -- management of the central bank. The USA central bank (The Federal Reserve) was created with a dual mandate, which means they manage the currency with care to: 1) not let inflation run amok, and 2) keep USA unemployment low. The dual mandate is tricky because one tends to begat the other. So when both strike, what should a technocrat do? Sacrifice one goal short-term to achieve the other long-term? Try attacking both but perhaps fail at either?

Such choices are not straight yes/no or go/no-go questions, but are rightfully questions of policy and judgement. Is it fine to sell 10% of parkland for resource extraction if it will iron-clad guarantee the remaining 90% is protected as wilderness for time immemorial? How about 25%? 60%?

Subject matter experts (SMEs) are excellent at their craft, but asking them to write public policy -- even with help from other SMEs -- won't address the fuzzy dilemmas that absolutely arise in governance.

In a democratic republic, voters choose not only the politician with views they agree with, but also are subscribing to that politician's sense of judgement for all of life's unknowns. Sometimes this goes well, sometimes that trust is misplaced. Although it's imperfect, this system can answer the fuzzy dilemmas which technocracies cannot.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Irrespective of any subsequent arrests made, publicizing evidence of actual criminal activity is generally a social good, which often doesn't (but can) overlap with vigilantism. Taking the term broadly, vigilantism is doing something that the law can't/won't do. Wikipedia discusses the various definitions, some of which require the use of force (something conventionally reserved to the law or government) but the broadest definition would technically include whistleblowing and community activism. On the flip side, certain forms of publicizing evidence are illegal, such as leaking designated national secrets.

From a law perspective, in the USA, apart from that rather narrow exception and a few others, the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech provides the legal cover to reveal the genuine evidence of someone's criminal conduct, because criminal matters are: 1) in the public interest to expose, 2) an assailant cannot assert a privacy interest upon the evidence of their crime, and 3) the truth cannot be penalized by defamation claims. That basically covers any applicable USA free speech exceptions, although someone accused could file a frivolous lawsuit to financially harass the one who exposed the evidence. Such frivolous lawsuits are functionally banned only in the handful of states with anti-SLAPP laws, which is why more states and the feds need to adopt anti-SLAPP protections.

So from a legal perspective, leaking evidence of a crime is generally allowed. From a moral perspective, most would agree that it's a good thing, and it's why we have things like public trials, to showcase evidence. But does exposing crimes on one's own constitute vigilantism? I would say no, but others with a different definition might say yes, even if they also agree that's it's legally and morally correct.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

You and friend 1 have working setups. Friend 2 can't seem to get their setup to work. So the problem has to be specific to friend 2's machine or network.

To start at the very basics, when WG is disabled, what are friend 2's DNS servers, as listed in "/etc/resolve.conf" (Linux) or in "ipconfig" on Windows. This can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. Whatever it is, take note of it. Also try to ping it and make sure the ping is successful.

Then have friend 2 enable WG. Now try pinging the same DNS servers again. If this fails, you are one step closer to the problem. If this succeeds, then check to see if WG caused new DNS servers to replace the former ones.

One possibility is that friend 2's home network also uses 192.168.8.X, and so the machine tries to reach the DNS servers by going through WG. But we need more details before making this conclusion.

You also said friend 2 can ping (aka Quad9), but is this friend using Quad9 as their DNS server? If so, what exactly is observed when you say that "DNS doesn't resolve"? Is this an error in a browser or the result from running "nslookup" in the command line?

IPv6 isn't likely to be directly responsible for DNS resolution failures, but a misconfigured WG tunnel that causes an IPv6 DNS server to be blackholed is one way to create resolution failure. It may also just be red herring, and the issue is contained entirely to IPv4. I would not recommend turning off IPv6, because that's almost always the wrong answer and sweeps the other problems under the rug.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (10 children)

It would help if you could recall what steps you did, a link to the instructions you followed, and what you're currently observing. Otherwise, we're all just guessing at what might be amiss.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The only reference to a manual i could find for that ebike is the "New York Ebike Battery Operating Manual", which seems to be Velotric's answer for New York State's S7503B bill from 2024, mandating that ebike sellers provide a manual.

The document has this to say:

  1. The charger is designed for indoor use only. Always charge the battery in a well-ventilated room with a smoke detector, and the ideal charging temperature for the battery is between 50°F and 77°F (10°C to 25°C).
  1. The lithium battery's limit charging temperature range is between 41°F and 86°F (5°C to 30°C). When the internal battery temperature exceeds this range, charging will automatically stop and enter protection mode.

It seems that this 10-25 C recommended limit is only for when charging the battery, not for general storage. For storage, this manual is silent as to what happens at different temperatures, but you must remember that this is a bicycle: a mode of transportation which can and will find itself exposed to the elements, come rain or sunlight.

As a general rule for li ion batteries, the ideal storage temperature is somewhere between -20 to 25 C, to minimize self discharge. Warmer storage will mean faster aging of the battery cells, but it would not imply some sort of future sudden and catastrophic failure. All batteries are mortal.

These charging and storage temperatures are further still distinct from the operating temperatures, meaning when power can be drawn from the battery.

As for the mechanical components of the bike, those will have the same, wide temperature range as storage as non-electric bicycle. After all, it's mostly metal with some rubber and plastics. What will happen, though, with exposure to sudden temperature changes -- ie bringing a bicycle from a cold, 5 C cellar to the outdoors when it's 45 C -- is that some plastics and lubricants will fail quicker. This is not specific to ebikes at all.

For your case, this uninsulated shed will not be ideal, and this particular ebike model does not have a quick-remove battery. If it did, my advice would be to bring the battery indoors to charge and store it, since 50 C is inappropriate for charging. But barring that, can this shed receive improved airflow? Or perhaps the bike can be chained to the shaded wall outside of the shed?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Fairly happy. Four years in, and I feel like I'm getting most of the benefits from my homegym, insofar as my 5-day routine isn't limited by a lack of equipment or machines. My goal was to undertake a consistent resistance training routine and I think I have that now.

Where I go from here is likely to be focused more on diet management.


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submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A while ago, I wrote this overview of California's Coast Rail Corridor project, which would run conventional trains between the existing, popular, state-subsidized commuter rail systems in Northern and Southern California. This is nowhere near as sexy as high-speed rail, but imagine a single seat that rolls through the rice paddies outside Sacramento, past the oil refineries of Richmond in the Bay Area, down through Oakland adjacent the Coliseum, bisecting Silicon Valley, then hugging the coast of Central California towards the beaches of Santa Barbara entering Los Angeles County and then further to San Diego.

Then make it affordable and timely, and all of a sudden there's a way to spend time watching the scenery slowly, while also being practical. Trains are much less of a slog than sitting on a bus. High speed rail is important and laudable, but this humble, rather dull project will likely carry passengers between north and south a decade or more before high speed rail does, which is why the state is pursuing it in parallel.

I hope this type of content is an alright fit for this community.


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(Does this community allow posts about product restorations? I didn't forge these skillets, but I did make them usable and appealing again.)

cross-posted from:

(long time lurker, first time poster)

A few months ago, a friend convinced me on the benefits of cast iron skillets. Having only used Teflon-coated non-stick pans, I figured it would be worth a try, if I could find one at the thrift store. Sure, I could have just bought a new Lodge skillet, but that's too easy lol.

So a few weeks pass and I eventually find these two specimens at my local thrift store, for $5 and $8 respectively. It's not entirely clear to me why the smaller skillet cost more, but it was below $10 so I didn't complain too loudly. My cursory web searches at the store suggested that old Wagner skillets are of reasonable quality, so I took the plunge. My assumption is that the unmarked, smaller skillet is also a Wagner product.

10-inch skillet ($5) 9-inch skillet ($8)
a crusty 10-inch cast iron skillet with "Wagner" vaguely visible in the inscription
a crusty 9-inch cast iron skillet; no brand name

It's very clear that both these skillets are very crusty. Initially, I tried to remove the buildup using a brass wire brush. This was only somewhat successful, so I switched to a stainless steel wire brush. That also didn't do much, except reveal some of the inscription on the bottom.

the 10-inch skillet after stripping with a wire brush, with "Wagner Ware Sidney" and "1058 1" visible in the inscription

Some research suggested I could either do an electrolysis tank, a lye bath, or try lye-based oven cleaner. For want of not over-complicating my first restoration attempt, I went with the oven cleaner method, using the instructions from this video:

For both skillets, I had to apply the oven cleaner six times to finally shift all the crud, each time leaving the skillets in the garbage bag for a full day-and-a-half in the sun. In between applications, I would brush off more buildup, with the handle root and the skillet walls being the most stubborn areas. The whole process smelled terrible and hunching over the garage utility sink to brush pans is not my idea of a pleasant time.

Nevertheless, having stripped both pans, I proceeded with six rounds of seasoning with very old corn oil -- it's what was handy -- at 450 F (~230 C) using my toaster oven. This happened over six days, since I wanted to use my excess daytime solar power for this endeavor. I wiped on the oil using a single blue shop towel, to avoid the issues of lint or fraying with paper towel.

I don't have a post-seasoning photo for the larger skillet, but here's how the 9-inch skillet turned out. I think I did a decent job for a first attempt. And I'm thrilled that these are as non-stick as promised, with only minimal upkeep required after each use.

9-inch skillet, top side, with "7" inscribed on the handle

9-inch skillet, bottom side, reading "9 3/4 inch skillet"

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(long time lurker, first time poster)

A few months ago, a friend convinced me on the benefits of cast iron skillets. Having only used Teflon-coated non-stick pans, I figured it would be worth a try, if I could find one at the thrift store. Sure, I could have just bought a new Lodge skillet, but that's too easy lol.

So a few weeks pass and I eventually find these two specimens at my local thrift store, for $5 and $8 respectively. It's not entirely clear to me why the smaller skillet cost more, but it was below $10 so I didn't complain too loudly. My cursory web searches at the store suggested that old Wagner skillets are of reasonable quality, so I took the plunge. My assumption is that the unmarked, smaller skillet is also a Wagner product.

10-inch skillet ($5) 9-inch skillet ($8)
a crusty 10-inch cast iron skillet with "Wagner" vaguely visible in the inscription
a crusty 9-inch cast iron skillet; no brand name

It's very clear that both these skillets are very crusty. Initially, I tried to remove the buildup using a brass wire brush. This was only somewhat successful, so I switched to a stainless steel wire brush. That also didn't do much, except reveal some of the inscription on the bottom.

the 10-inch skillet after stripping with a wire brush, with "Wagner Ware Sidney" and "1058 1" visible in the inscription

Some research suggested I could either do an electrolysis tank, a lye bath, or try lye-based oven cleaner. For want of not over-complicating my first restoration attempt, I went with the oven cleaner method, using the instructions from this video:

For both skillets, I had to apply the oven cleaner six times to finally shift all the crud, each time leaving the skillets in the garbage bag for a full day-and-a-half in the sun. In between applications, I would brush off more buildup, with the handle root and the skillet walls being the most stubborn areas. The whole process smelled terrible and hunching over the garage utility sink to brush pans is not my idea of a pleasant time.

Nevertheless, having stripped both pans, I proceeded with six rounds of seasoning with very old corn oil -- it's what was handy -- at 450 F (~230 C) using my toaster oven. This happened over six days, since I wanted to use my excess daytime solar power for this endeavor. I wiped on the oil using a single blue shop towel, to avoid the issues of lint or fraying with paper towel.

I don't have a post-seasoning photo for the larger skillet, but here's how the 9-inch skillet turned out. I think I did a decent job for a first attempt. And I'm thrilled that these are as non-stick as promised, with only minimal upkeep required after each use.

9-inch skillet, top side, with "7" inscribed on the handle

9-inch skillet, bottom side, reading "9 3/4 inch skillet"


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Use the code on the Walgreens app and the website to claim the same offer twice!

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Use the code on the Walgreens app and the website to claim the same offer twice!

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