The lawsuit isn't really about the 5 GB free tier, but about being able to use system services like device backups with other cloud providers.
Poorly written headline.
This is a most excellent place for technology news and articles.
The lawsuit isn't really about the 5 GB free tier, but about being able to use system services like device backups with other cloud providers.
Poorly written headline.
The actual article headline
Apple hit with class action lawsuit over iCloud’s 5GB limit and iPhone backup restrictions
Sometimes it's hard to feel sorry for Apple users given the amount of repeated nickeling and diming they go through,yet make excuses for (as seen in the comments). Definitely shades of battered woman syndrome
What abuse?
What!? the company that weaponizes vendor-lockin the most is overcharging for their service!?!?!
9,99€ per month for 2 TB seems pretty normal to me. Google Drive is the same price iirc, and other providers have similar pricing.
I read this article, because it's absurd to make a class action lawsuit about the free tier remaining at only 5GB. Apple has the right to give as much or little away for free.
Instead, the lawsuit is about something a lot more lawsuit worthy: The fact that you cannot backup your iPhone with other cloud service providers, providing an unfair advantage to iCloud. This should definitely be illegal.
Additionally, can we have a lawsuit over excessive storage markups (that are over ~2x the gross margin of the device)? This is also basically pure profit.
“There is no technological or security justification for Apple mandating the use of iCloud for Restricted Files,” the lawsuit reads.
Wouldn't this argument also be true for everything else Apple restricts you from doing? Texting app, browser, Apple music on a home pod, etc? (I don't have a lot of good examples because I don't have an i thing but I'm sure there are more)
How are you guys reading this article? It took me 5-10mins of unchecking each cookie vendor one by one before I gave up.
Modern internet is a shit show
I hope they loose this lawsuit and set a precedent that Samsung also has to follow. At least Samsung gives you the choice between onedrive and Google, but still no choice for generic WebDav...
This is an extra service they don’t have to offer. If they wanted to they could just drop the free tier altogether. You have space on your phone and you can back it up to your computer as well. I do t see the point of this lawsuit except “wah, they’re not giving me enough stuff for free!”
This is an extra service they don’t have to offer.
No, they could let you use someone else's service instead, but they've chosen to block that.
you can back it up to your computer as well
According to the article you literally can't
Although based on the comments there, the article may be wrong on that point
You can still do backups to your desktop like you used to do, it's just not usually necessary.
Amazon Photos works. Dropbox works. NextCloud works. What service are they blocking?
iCloud backup is core to the OS, all user settings and app data is there. You can manually do it on a Mac apparently but no other service.
I paid for a MacOS app to do it. Works great
Syncios or something
This is a stupid lawsuit. You can back up your phone locally using iTunes and Finder and the new device app on Windows. You can also back it up using third party software. No one is forcing you to use iCloud.
You get a free computer with purchase of an iPhone? Neat!
What’s a “computer”?
I hope this forces their hand in having to allow other actual e2e cloud services, its legititmately bullshit we even need to have this convo :(
I hate this the most about my iPhone. I’m currently on my 3rd Apple device, but you don’t get more storage every time you buy one. So if you have an iPhone and an iPad you’re still stuck with 5gb, and it’s shared with you backups and your cloud-based apps like photo sync, message sync. That 5gb is gone pretty quick.
It’s easy enough to sync photos elsewhere, but not messages. So the $1/mo storage upgrade becomes really attractive.
I hope this opens up their backup service but I doubt it.
Apple does let you use any cloud backup service you want… just not for the OS and app preference files. Those go to iCloud, but those are also highly unlikely to hit 5gb.
When you cloud restore with your media backed up to something like Dropbox, this is what happens.
After logging into iCloud, iOS checks iCloud for the apps you had installed, and it downloads the latest compatible versions from the store. Then, iOS pulls down OS and app preferences from iCloud
Launch Dropbox, or similar, to pull down your backed up media and files.
Apple gets no money for storage, but Dropbox gets a check.
After ten years, I hit 5GB. I upgraded to 200GB.
For $3/month
There are many, many reasons to bash the shit out of Apple until you’re left with applesauce, and this is the one they chose?
Whatever, guys..
They need to make it your choice (of compliant options where compliant != neutering for the USgovernment) for the default background running option tho, you're not defending the hero we deserve, only what is forced by their lax regulation
Right now, Apple selectively degrades the experience of effortless syncing thru any other modality than its in-house inferior option. That is wrong and monopolistic and antitrust-worthy action now that the technology is ubiquitous and Applehas the tools to ensure its done consistent with the Apple walled garden gestalt. A gated garden would not be so bad, hell, everybody has one basically
I can't wait till we get all the Europe stuff! And I'm all in on Apple, i just don't gratuitously defend their nonsense (upvoted by the way, im not the naysayer. You raise an important defense that needs to be dismantled)
Even Google gives you three times that.
Well, they make so much money on selling the content of your files, they better give you a lot of space.
Right, because Apple doesn't collect your data, even though it says they do right in the terms of service you agreed to without reading.
Of course they collect it. But they don’t sell it, because Apple doesn’t like to share and they don’t need that money.
That's not even how it works. No one sells your data, they sell access to what the data means.
But then again, you never know when the service you rely on will be canned by Google.
How many Instant Messengers have we(yes, I'm an Android user) been through now?
So they seem to be arguing that Apple isn't spending enough money to offer a free service it never had to offer because reasons.