Atheist Memes
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That's not a thing. It can't be, because they cherry-pick different parts depending on the situation.
This. You've got people simultaneously insisting that they can ignore the rules about not eating pork and not wearing mixed fabrics because the law of Moses no longer applies, but in the same breath continue to insist that the ten commandments are absolute.
Well obviously the 10 commandments are absolute, that’s why they’re the 10 commandments.
Then it would be like one of those adventure books where you just choose who you want to hate, or who you'd like to kill or who you want to control or why you should have all the money. Every time you start reading, at the end of every chapter you get to choose what version you want depending on what you want at the time.
It's both, really
I want a Bible where each passage has some sort of voting system like.... 73% agree from protestants, 20% agree from Catholics, 40% agree from Jewish, 100% agree from Buddhists
Would be an interesting feature to something like the Steam version of the bible
Implement a rating system for each chapter based on your religion.
Why not $6.66? 🤣🤘🏽
Yours now with 6 easy payments of $6.66!
That's one too many 6s, though 🤪
Which version of the Bible is that? And of that particular fork of religion, which versions of their bibles is it cherry picked from?
control women
Yeah, pretty sure they don't ignore that part.
Roe V Wade has entered the chat.