An unproven fighter jet made by fucking Boeing of all companies.
I'm just a bit worried about any potential schism among the Democrats because the electoral system in the US is still incredibly broken and will always gravitate towards a 2-party state.
To me, it seems easier for the Democrats to rebrand as more left-leaning than they currently are and try to remain a united front, rather than splinter into several competing parties.
If anything is to supplant the Democratic party, it would need to be one party supplanting the whole of the Democrats, or else Republicans will remain a plurality and retain control of the US government until the electoral process changes or their numbers diminish.
It's just that we have to make space for our 5,358 partners and the telemetry data they need.
Depending on when in my life you ask me, "pancake" or "jianbing/zinbeng" (or just "pancake" pronounced in whatever regional accent you have because English loanwords are trendy)
There would be something ironic about an afterlife that detains members of ICE at the pearly gates and deports them back where they belong in hell.
Wouldn't that simply create a bitmap circle, though? The advantage of shapes in Photoshop is that they are vectors.
The problem is that he still owns a huge chunk of the stock. Unless he sells it all for some reason (or dies (naturally), now that would be something), there is no way to hope that Tesla succeeds independent of Elon because he directly profits from their success.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party's own approval rating is that low, and they're still not sure when they're supposed to start trying...
For me it's more about having the tab control and menu down at the bottom with the address bar at the top. Those are the features I interact with more, but I don't like keeping the address bar at the bottom as well because it takes up the most space. I often use the native back button (when it works) but having back/forward readily available also helps with some reader views.
Meanwhile this man is literally the deep state within the bureaucracy right now.
Why waste good tea? I'd rather throw Teslas in the harbor.
Ah, so this is why the news this morning was randomly reporting on Abercrombie's "comeback" featuring totally real and not-at-all astroturfed Tiktokers talking about how hip the company is again while putting on makeup.
Gotta control the narrative however they can.