As a former smoker and current stoner...maybe don't ban it?
Seems like banning things doesn't work and not banning it clearly works as long as you tax them and spend on anti-smoking education.
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As a former smoker and current stoner...maybe don't ban it?
Seems like banning things doesn't work and not banning it clearly works as long as you tax them and spend on anti-smoking education.
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a vape is a good guy with a vape
We need to make sure every teacher has a vape in their classroom and they’re trained to use it in an emergency.
Teachers should be allowed up to marb reds
in this case the bad guy with a vape will be replaced with an even worse guy with the vape.
Letting adults decide for themselves what they put in their bodies... What a crazy idea.
The problem is with secondhand smoke putting other people at risk without letting them decide what was put into their bodies
Easy. Pass laws that prohibit smoking in public then.
That works for me, seems like a good solution
Increase the tax another level and then peg the total value to the consumer price index. This ensures that the cost of tobacco continues to increase in line with inflation.
Add in a % of value reward for reporting illegally imported tobacco and you now have a continuously effective way of reducing smoking.
The main issue is that it's not something that only affects the user. Secondhand smoke ruins lungs and lives.
Now, making it where smoking is less desirable, less convenient, more expensive, etc. can go a long way without a direct ban.
Kinda like how being homeless isn't literally illegal, but effectively illegal in many places.
Edit - Clarification here:
I feel like that's quite possibly the worst example you could have chosen to support your statement. Making it close to illegal to be homeless is wrong, and a treatment of symptoms not the illness. Besides which, secondhand smoke is not something that just lurks around waiting to jump into some kids lungs. Smoke settles. What makes it a problem is when someone smokes inside, or when they smoke right next to someone that doesn't want to smoke. That is called being an asshole.
Secondhand smoke is an issue of responsibility. If people can be taught to drink responsibly, then people can be taught to smoke responsibly.
I wasn't even being remotely equitable in how I feel about one or the other.
So lemme clear the air, so-to-speak:
Being homeless should never be treated negatively, and we should help people overcome it in every way possible (housing first).
Secondhand smoke is a choice that a smoker makes, a choice that literally affects others in every negative conceivable way, and we should make life harder and harder for smokers. (Even harder for the manufacturers)
Smokers should be ostracized like we did with COVIDiots; they shouldn't get to be in public spaces when smoking; they should be isolated until the smoking is over; any lingering stench should be scoured from them before they're reintroduced to the public.
Don't even think to get my words twisted. We treat the homeless like we SHOULD treat smokers.
I'm not twisting your words. You're saying we should shame smokers the way we do homeless people, because you for some reason are too dumb to see the hypocrisy.
Shaming homeless people doesn't work. Shaming smokers will also not work. You are just wrong, no amount of explanation will justify it.
NZ did that but then undid it when a new government came in.
@solrize yeah it was really annoying, they've undone a decade of good work just because of tobacco lobbyists.
It wasn't a campaign issue, just an unpleasant surprise policy change.
I always get down voted for saying this, but I think vaping is a huge step up from cigarettes.
It is by a long shot. The detractors focus too much on how it's not perfect and say because it isn't that it's garbage. It helped me to stop smoking 10 years ago before I got even more hooked and it was easier to quit than cigarettes.
Chewing tobacco went down, cigarettes went up.
Cigarettes went down, vaping went up.
When vaping goes down, be ready for the next thing that we shove into our bodies.
Tobacco and nicotine infused contact lenses.
Marlboro EnemaZ
Nicotine botox
mmmmm... feels kool....
seems we didnt learn from history
you are just asking to turn tobacco into a black market
Because complete prohibition has always worked out well in the past