Who passes this law? Who signs it?
Exactly. Exactly.
Our system fucking sucks and is designed to protect land owners which is why we’re in this situation.
Who passes this law? Who signs it?
Exactly. Exactly.
Our system fucking sucks and is designed to protect land owners which is why we’re in this situation.
Ban corporations/private companies from holding empty residential housing. Problem solved. Not complicated. Our system fucking sucks and is designed to protect land owners which is why we're in this situation. This is fucking up our entire society, slowly bringing us down, we're losing to China. This change needs to happen soon otherwise we're going to see the working class get milked hard enough that our real economy will collapse.
This is very, very bad for the future outlook of our country. It's real, we're in it. Something significant is going to have to change soon.
"climate disruption"? lol 🤡
This image does a good job at making me realize we have explored basically nothing on the moon. SO much more to explore, yet we act like there's no point trying to send more astronauts to the moon for decades. Please, increase NASA budget more.
The study falls short having no comparison to non-single people who are insecure. If the percentage of insecure non-single people is also 78% then being single has no impact on insecurity.
Name an activism campaign that worked and you support.
Here's a chat GPT response for your boring question:
"One successful activism campaign that I support is the #MeToo movement. The #MeToo movement has brought attention to the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault, encouraged survivors to speak out, and sparked important conversations about consent and gender equality. It has led to increased awareness, policy changes, and accountability for perpetrators in various industries."
Ban corporate ownership of residential housing and implement a land value tax. Problem solved. Won't happen though, probably shouldn't even give a shit to keep writing this.
No, activism is about taking part in making a real change. If anyone really wanted to make a real change they'd have to give up their freedom. This doesn't change anything, carbon emissions will still increase.
Then they're going to just pay some people to clean it off, cost more money, consume more energy. Publicity stunt.
If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream.
If people are starving after a natural disaster, we can raise the price of everything because they're desperate and have no alternatives.
Uber effectively weaseled their way into the taxi industry by somehow enticing drivers to work for them while also assuming all of the liabilities. Truly, capitalism at its finest.