No, it’s by far not as dangerous as asbestos insulation, but even breaking up dried bitumen glue containing asbestos is potentially dangerous and calls for PPE like disposable overalls and ffp3 respirators.
Watch this Video by NotJustBikes. It’s an hour long, but since I saw it, I’m not that interested in self-driving cars anymore.
Car companies bought public transport networks to kill them and sell their cars. What would cities look like if all cars are self- driving? The answer which NotJustBikes assumes is more plausible than I’m comfortable to admit.
I fixed it for you:
- People who don’t remember fall for the lies of „Strong“ men
- „Strong“ men try to consolidate power by destabilising the state and undermining the seperation of powers. (Creating hard times for everyone except themselves)
- „strong“ men get dethroned if the times are hard enough. (by desperate people)
- people who want to do better create good times
- good times create people who don’t remember.
Are you aware, that there is a difference between fresh sweat with clean clothes on and fresh sweat „warming up“ old sweat in clothes you wore the whole day? Also being smelly depends a lot on the climate you live in, how thoroughly you dry your clothes, what fabrics you are wearing, how many layers you‘re wearing, how often you wash yourself and change your chlothes.
It’s (as always) not that simple.
Hot take:
- it’s expect to „have a Girlfriend“
- Girlfriends are perceived as a status symbol
- because of that young men care more about „having a girlfriend“, than about the actual person that is their girlfriend.
If you try dating with this concept of a relationship, it probably won’t go well for at least one of the parties involved.
Women being leaders in a patriarchal society will probably behave like leaders in a patriarchal society.