Also don't microwave boiled eggs. Learned the lesson the hard way. May be cut them in half and then microwave to avoid the eggsplotion 😀
Has anyone travelled by water metro in Kochi? Is it crowded now?
Let the cat and mouse games begin!!!! Thanks for the heads up though
Best: Trusted working hours and WFH(no time keeping but you lose overtime)
Worst: Deadlines and many many projects
Ha ha exactly
Can't find that old post in [email protected] , basically in some other place Instead of doing like in video, engineers stopped the drainage at an electric post.
Life imitates memes!!
except for the SOC
Is there any open source Malayalam Transliteration Keyboard for Android? I am using Gboard because only because of that.
Malayalam type setting ഇത്രേം complex ആയിരുന്നു അല്ലേ!! A
Eggceptional wordplay Sir 🫡