
joined 2 years ago
[–] AGreenPurple 1 points 3 days ago

I bought it when it was in same last time and even if it's true that RPG elements are limited and you get far by running and gunning, using your hacking skills does make it easier.

I generally tend to not finish games since I get bored at some time. Cyberpunk is one of the few games that I actually finished. So I would recommend it.

[–] AGreenPurple 19 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Just look at the military decisions Hitler made, that was luckily an incompetent guy thinking he's smarter than everyone else. That rings a bell, doesn't it?

In the long run, making less stupid decisions wouldn't most likely have changed the outcome, but even more people would likely have died (and unfortunately the people executing the murder of the Jews weren't as incompetent as their glorious leader).

[–] AGreenPurple 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I played Humankind as well, but I like the execution in Civ better (despite the bugs and unfinished ui). Butt yes, the idea want original at all.

[–] AGreenPurple 19 points 1 month ago (6 children)

If you have never played Civ before it would be a good time to start with Civ 5 or maybe even Civ 3. They are cheap and quite polished.

In my opinion (having played Civ since the first game, yes I'm old), Civ 7 is quite ok in it's foundations, but it's clearly released too early and like the other parts before it's mainly a game about optimizing numbers, not so much about strategy.

Biggest turn off for me is the introduction of "rogue like" mechanics that give you to play certain characters and nations in a certain way to access others. Why would I want to have that crap in a strategy game?

[–] AGreenPurple 6 points 2 months ago (1 children)

A phone reacting to "ok Google" or the equivalent for the other assistants already requires to listen to what you're saying - doesn't seem to affect battery life all that much.

[–] AGreenPurple 2 points 3 months ago

They give you the stash space that you bought for PoE1 in PoE2 as well - I would never have expected that. And the money you spend for the EA gives you some ingame stuff and currency too. Quite fair, imo.

[–] AGreenPurple 5 points 4 months ago

When going for brands, like Lounge Underwear or even more expensive ones like Marlies Dekkers, Aubade or Lise Charmel (instead of cheap imports from China) there's almost never a problem with the size. There have been maybe 2 or 3 bras (cheap ones) that did not fit in the last twelve years and everything else has the same size and fits her.

[–] AGreenPurple 2 points 5 months ago

After driving my current car with Android Automotive for over 45.000 km I can only advice to stay away from vehicles using it

Android Auto (with the car working as a display for your phone) is really nice. AA OS is not.

[–] AGreenPurple 8 points 5 months ago

Someone that places a sticker that unaligned on their car can't be a good person! /s

[–] AGreenPurple 1 points 5 months ago

Funnily I saw the playthrough of your game in YouTube and it really looks like a labour of love. As the guy who did the playthrough suggested, still need to buy it as a thank you.

Or is that another game with a red button? The maker of the game I'm thinking about wrote a comment on YouTube

[–] AGreenPurple 4 points 6 months ago (1 children)

What I don't get as an outsider - this guy (like other equally weird persons as for example Mrs. Palin) is in a rather high political position.

How in the world are these people elected? Is it only about being in the preferred party or were their opponents even more incompetent?

[–] AGreenPurple 1 points 7 months ago

He basically forgot about the winner, has to be reminded and years later the guy received something that was way off from what was promised.

You can find a much better and more accurate description by searching, but maybe that's good enough.

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