In english (amongst other languages), the letter "u" can be pronounced two ways.
I'll take one!
Lol that means something completely different in spanish haha. Spelled puta though.
So that means they get big mad if I say сука блять иди нахуй дебил ёб твою мать now huh?
How is that pu pronounced? Like pew or poo?
Wait you think the only women in the entire game are in this one strip club?
Right, then I responded to them, then you responded to me responding to them, and now we're here. You said it's missing part of the argument but it is the argument you jumped into, so "nuh uh" is what I'm saying.
and there's no scene where John Wick gets a lap dance. There are women who appear to be sex workers, and John Wick murders their bosses. The audience isn't invited to participate in the objectification,
I do not agree that paying a woman for a lap dance is objectification if sex work is real work and should be respected. If sex work is bad and shouldn't be respected then sure, that'd be a bad thing to pay for, but it can't be both.
Mhmm that's 'cause of all that violent imagery no doubt.
No you pick your nose. It's true I saw you eat it afterwards.
Thank you!