
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 hours ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) (2 children)

In english (amongst other languages), the letter "u" can be pronounced two ways.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

I'll take one!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 23 hours ago

Lol that means something completely different in spanish haha. Spelled puta though.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

So that means they get big mad if I say сука блять иди нахуй дебил ёб твою мать now huh?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (6 children)

How is that pu pronounced? Like pew or poo?


Sorry I'm late lol, was sick as hell yesterday! New list is up, some good shit this week!

From The World Of Minor Threats The Brood #4 - Minor Threats always rules, I think I missed the other new one, I can't remember the name though.

Into The Unbeing Part Two #2 - definitely missed #1, part one was pretty weird, I'll continue it if In can without going online.

Falling In Love On The Path To Hell #7 - YES

Lucky Devils #3 - Just read the first two, I'm in. Two Devils (not the devil) upending their corporate underworld's structure. This shit is right up my alley.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Wait you think the only women in the entire game are in this one strip club?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Right, then I responded to them, then you responded to me responding to them, and now we're here. You said it's missing part of the argument but it is the argument you jumped into, so "nuh uh" is what I'm saying.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

and there's no scene where John Wick gets a lap dance. There are women who appear to be sex workers, and John Wick murders their bosses. The audience isn't invited to participate in the objectification,

I do not agree that paying a woman for a lap dance is objectification if sex work is real work and should be respected. If sex work is bad and shouldn't be respected then sure, that'd be a bad thing to pay for, but it can't be both.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Mhmm that's 'cause of all that violent imagery no doubt.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

No you pick your nose. It's true I saw you eat it afterwards.


New list is up! Really short for me this week it seems, just one:

Sacrificers #15 - I'm still loving this series!

Well that's it lol. What're you pulling?


From The World Of Minor Threats Welcome To Twilight #1 - More Minor Threats, not the OGs but so far it's all good, so I'm in. The world itself it just so neat, I want to know more about the city itself almost more than its "notable" inhabitants. I want to know about the day to day, see some background on stuff only mentioned or hinted at, it's just so neat!

Defiant #1 - Looks ok, but "for fans of Dune, Firefly.." well that is me, so I'll grab it.

Assorted Crisis Events #1 - Weird time travel shit, could be neat!

Geiger #12 - Still going

Hive #2 - Yeesh I should read #1 tomorrow...

Moon Is Following Us #7 - behind on it but still picking them up.

Well that's it for me, what're y'all pulling?


I'd rather ask my piracy and privacy respecting community here where it can benefit us all than read some dumb gismodo link called "top 15 android torrent clients," so, what are people using for some light android torrenting these days? Preferably something on f-droid if ya got it!


New list is up! Short one for me this week it seems

Hyde Street #4 - My favorite Ghost Machine title so far.

Cruel Kingdom #3 - Might have missed #2, but #1 was good!

That's it lol, what are you grabbing this week?

Unrecognized nodes? (
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Got my first two devices on tuesday and I've been traveling around with them! Seems the t114 has much better range but is a less convenient package of course (and damn amazon didn't ship my GPS module, so now that is on the way with an upgraded antenna and a heltec v3 cause why not?)

I've been able to make a few connections, but I had a couple questions about some of them.

I've been able to connect to a few nodes around town, even got one reply, but there seems to be two categories of nodes, some "recognized" and some "unrecognized." Does anyone know why that could be? Can I still talk to them if they're unrecognized, and/or do they still route packets? Can I fix that or do the other nodes' owners have to?

Glad I finally got into it, been having fun and apparently my area has some activity (even if I'm in a deadzone at the bottom of a hill for now.)

Edit: Ok I keep forgetting about redlib so I think I don't have access to Ye Olde Country because VPN and I refuse all apps, but I just remembered and searched there! So if anyone else has this question like me it seems that:

Simply not enought packets have arrived to get that info

No nodeinfo received. Either wait longer or request user info manually.


These appear to be running an older version of the meshtastic firmware [pre-2.5] which likely do not have an updated public key.


New list is up! Short one for me, which is fine because instead of picking up last week I got into meshtastic and let my comics sit in my box lol. Let's see..

Toxic Avenger #5 - The End. Was better than it should have been!

Black Hammer Spiral City #4 - Mantis P.I. has been good so far.

Warm Fusion #2 - I think I missed #1?

Space Ghost #10 - Behind as hell but still picking them up.

Well that's it for me, what're you pulling?


Hey everyone, I hope this is ok to post here! I've been putting off getting into meshtastic for a while now but the time has come to play around with it. I have done some research but I always like to talk to real people if possible for real world advice and experience, not just youtube salesman and AI top ten lists. I have minimal experience with radio, but some.

As to meshtastic the research I've done has pointed me to a few LoRa boards, the heltec t114 v2, and the Lilygo t-beam, and also the Lilygo T-deck plus.

I really would love to have a phoneless standalone set up, but have seen some stuff about the T-deck lacking good firmware and so it isn't "ready," but then I've seen some people say to the contrary that some good firmware exists now. Are there other better phoneless devices for meshtastic? Is the t-deck good enough now that I could pick that up now and add some t114s later to expand the network? Or should I go with a couple t114s, and wait til phoneless matures a little?

As for the phone using set ups, are there other boards I should look at instead of the t114 and the t-beam? I do require either it to come with a case or have available .stl files to print one, I suck at CAD.

My final questions are to the antennas, is there an antenna manufacturer that is commonly recommended for meshtastics (915 khz), and am I looking for SMA female or SMA male connectors on the antenna, or does that depend on the board in question? I tried searching the product page for the heltec board and SMA isn't mentioned anywhere according to ctrl+f. I see some kits with an antenna on amazon, but they don't mention either and I'm sure I'll want to upgrade the dinky rubber ducky it comes with.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, double thanks if you responded, triple thanks if you have answers or any helpful links! I'm excited to be getting into the hobby here soon, and glad there's already a lemmy comm for it!


New list is up! Looks like a slimmer week for me thankfully

Eat Sleep Reap Repeat #1&2 - gonna have to special order these, looks fun though! Something about reaping souls, I've been sort of obsessed with the idea of multiple reapers having an agency of sorts and the office-like behavior therein since The Mighty Boosh's cab scene.

From The World Of Minor Threats The Brood #3 - You know me and my Minor Threats! Best superhero/villain series I've read so far, of course being that I'm not usually a fan of that stuff the competition is pretty slim, but still I'm not a fan generally but like this one, that's saying something!

Let This One Be A Devil #1 - Jersey Devil?! Let's fucking go. Dude also did one recently about Project Blue Book, I think me and this dude would get a long lol.

Herculoids #1 - ?!?!? Other people know this show?! I have to buy this to send to a friend, we used to get mega stoned and watch it lol.

Space Ghost #10 - I'm so behind..

w0rldtr33 #13 - Still haven't read 12 but it's on the "next" pile

I'm sure my shop will be delayed on some, but I'm fine with putting it off a little, I'm delayed anyway. Well that's it for me, what are you pulling?


List is up! I'm excited for some of these..

Into The Unbeing Part Two #1 - Liked the first run, I'll keep on it. Basic story, some people find a cave, but the cave might be somethings skull? Something...alive?

Creepshow In Love #1 - Creepshoooooow!

Geiger #11 - Dude honestly I'm about 4 behind on this

Hive #1 - "Mason Shaw is no one. A worker bee. All that changes when he crosses paths with a few stragglers trying to stay one step ahead of a queen with immense powers who is determined to control her hive no matter who she has to kill. Welcome to THE HIVE." Looks like it might be ok, I'll at least flip through it.

I Hate Fairyland #20 - The End of this one?

Moon Is Following Us #6 - The Continuation of this one.

That's it for me, what're you pulling?


New list is up!

Frankenstein New World The Sea Of Forever #1 - Anything Mike Mignola I'm down for

Batman Off-World #6 - Wait this is still running? Ok I'm already down for it.

Sacrificers #14 - This series still rules

Cruel Kingdom #2 - Shit I still haven't read the last one.

Short one for me but that's ok because I had to grab 3 weeks worth at once last week since my shop has had issues with Diamond (I think.) What're you pulling?


New list is up! Good one this week.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin II Re-Evolution #4 - Need more Turtles For Adults!

Ice Cream Man #43 - This issue is a series of one page horror vignettes by guest authors (all drawn/colored by Morazzo/O'Hallorhan iirc) of course with at least one being by W. Maxwell Prince (I think..), and including one by another favorite of mine, Patton Oswalt! Still one of my favorite comics out right now.

Seasons #1 - A horror story involving anthropomorphic seasons (winter, spring, summer, and autumn)? Ok sure I'll try it. Remender can go both ways for me, couldn't get into Low but love Sacrificers, so I'll at least look at a few issues.

Also add to that everything from last week, since my shop had none of it in stock. Idk what the hell is going on. Well, that's it for me, assuming my shop has any of it in stock.. What're you pulling?

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