
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 28 minutes ago (1 children)

All of Europe needs to do this. Russia's meddling isn't isolated to the US.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Operation Paperclip back in the day. Grants and such recently.

[–] 8 points 3 hours ago

I hope it withers and blows away. It's what she deserves for voting Trump.

[–] 6 points 14 hours ago

I'm sure it's becoming increasingly relevant to draw parallels to North Korea. Surely Kim Jong Un's birthday is a holiday there.

[–] 119 points 14 hours ago (4 children)

The US is trading science and reason for zeal and faith. At least the scientists will be welcomed in the EU.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

I think people like that don't actually know what socialism is or why it's bad. They just know "socialism = bad."

[–] 22 points 1 day ago

It's not, he's putting on a mask. He doesn't care about being generous, he just wants to look like he is

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (2 children)

"You talk big words for a tourist. You some kinda turrist?"

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

If I was in charge of a country's military I would not buy hardware from the US. How can I be sure they haven't loaded it with some sort of backdoor that disables it if it's used against the US?

[–] 73 points 1 day ago (9 children)

Could this be the worst designed car ever made? I really wish we could have a Top Gear episode on it.

[–] 69 points 1 day ago (2 children)

This man needs to die. There's no sugarcoating it.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Certain places? Like, Washington?


I came across a post on Reddit showing Mussolini at the end of his career, specifically him hanged from his ankles in the Piazzale Loreto. I left a comment, "we didn't get the chance to do this with Hitler, but we should make this traditional." Yes, not the most benign comment, but far "threatening violence or physical harm," at least I think so. A bot must have come across that and thought "beep boop," because suddenly my account was permanently banned. It's honestly insulting that a human took no part in this process.


It's still active


I think I understand how titles are generated now


During that trek, which we usually never have to take since we can land right next to targets, I actually got in some exploring and scanning, and gathered some resources I need. Something that basically never gets done because it requires going out of your way to land on planets in random locations. 2.5km may be more than most might want to walk, but I feel like a shorter hike to your mission target is just what the game needs to make use of its planetary surfaces.


Custom-built only, no re-fits


When you got the option, did you chose to go to New Game+ right away or stay behind and finish the rest of the game first?

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