What version of Python were you using?
Scott the Woz, a Youtuber who does skits.
If I made this a PyPi package, would I be able to create a config file to read from it/have it read from a default config file and set that as the user config file?
Updated the post to include more info, but it is a CLI app which helps simplify yt-dlp commands. It doesn't mess with any system files.
It creates a venv in the script directory and installs the dependencies that way.
NyarchLinux has Material UWU.. Maybe it shouldn't come to Linux /j
I don't think a person having something to lose makes them stronger. I would imagine it's the opposite: having nothing to lose makes a person stronger since there's nothing holding them back.
Put your phone in a Faraday bag for an extended period of time, then check what kind of ads you get.
Burnout 3, Midnight Club 3, and NFS Underground 2 were the best games to play on PS2. Such nostalgia.
I have it installed but disabled. Will auto updates still occur?
SearXNG is fairly decent if you can set that up.
I'm testing different Python versions to see what the minimum is for yt-dlp-adv is. I know 3.10 is when they added match-case, so 3.9 isn't supported. Will update README with minimum working version after I'm done testing.