
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

When you’re poor, everything smells like whatever’s on sale.

That's right!! For me, it was like whatever I had that was nice. If someone got me a nice shirt, I would protect that shirt and only wear it to special events that I knew would not place the shirt in any danger (physical activity, stains from cooking or painting, etc.). I kind of still do that and have a few shirts that are ~20 years old, a backpack that is 23 years old, and a multi-tool that's about 21 yrs old. Never though that was associated with growing up poor, but it makes sense now.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Yooooo, I needed to hear a few of those. Thank you very much!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

Same, but I didn't marry them. I became nearly completely useless. Lost almost all friends, hobbies, work, goals, dreams, and even desire. I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror. Coming back has been incredibly difficult since I didn't trust anyone to guide me nor myself. How do you get somewhere without direction? Lately, I think I'm on the right track, but I will never be my old self and that's okay. My old self got me in that situation, so the new one will be better.

Below are three songs that I found validating during these times. Two are in English and one is in Spanish. If you don't speak Spanish, I would happily translate the lyrics for you; just let me know.

Ren and Chinchilla

The Big Push


[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

This is genius! thanks for sharing 🙂

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

you don't care about your produce! 🫢

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago

Bupropion is the only antidepressant that works for my mood. The SSRIs and SNRIs make me feel numb and dumb, so I hate them. However, bupropion doesn't have any noticeable impact on my adhd. I gotta take ritalin for that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Thank you very much!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I've heard that people use snow tires. How does that work? Does everyone have 2 sets of wheels at home that they switch with the seasons?

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 months ago (3 children)

auties usually spot other auties easily

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

autism beats narcissism by accident. oopsies!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

right, me too! 😁

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

glad you found us! come on over and check out our communities


The universe is humongous.

  • The hard drive space is practically limited to the Big Bang on one end and the heat death of the universe on the other, but it contains all of the data for everything that exists. That's massive.

  • The RAM is massive because it's handling all the variables and changes of the present.

  • The cache is much smaller as established by the study that found the universe is not locally real. Things only happen once they are observed, but it happens almost instantaneously. Still, the cache is massive because it is handling everything that is being observed at the same time. That's a lot of things.

All of the above are massive extremes. However,

  • The processing speed is limited at the speed of light. In comparison to the others, the speed of light is soooooo ridiculously slow, causing a bottle neck.

PS - Massive because it's mass I've observed. Not really tho, you silly goat. Big bang while I swig Tang and watch a twig hang.


cross-posted from:

Cheekily "fixing" this post


Obviously, I've heard of table salt (NaCl), but I've also heard of others substances being called salts. What do they mean by something being a salt?

There's the regular Clorox bleach that we use with whites, but then there is non-chlorine bleach. What is a bleach?


Meme: Screenshot of microblog post by @alanjack replying to @fotchi.

Caption: I still don't know why part of autistic/adhd diagnosis isn't putting you in a room with someone already diagnosed and seeing how quickly you bond.

Safe vs like (

Meme: Phoebe and Joey conversation

P: The social world is very confusing to me, so people like to take advantage of me

J: The social world is very confusing to you, so people like to take advantage of you

P: If I am being fun, free, and caring around you

J: If you are being fun, free, and caring around me

P: It's because I think you understand me and are a safe person

J: It's because you think I understand you are am a safe person

P: It does not mean I have a romantic interest in you

J: So you have a crush on me

Misdiagnosis (

Meme: Phoebe and Joey conversation

P: I'm autistic, so I depend on people to help me survive in social settings

J: You're autistic, so you depend on people to help you survive in social settings

P: I have found very few safe people to help me

J: You have found very few safe people to help you

P: I also feel emotions more intensely than others

J: You also feel emotions more intensely than others

P: When I lose someone, I feel intense fear and grief

J: So you're borderline

PS: This is not meant to insult or judge anyone that is borderline. It's expressing frustration with receiving hurtful treatment because the underlying issues are not the same.

We're just different (

Meme: Phoebe and Joey conversation

P: I am autistic. You are neurotpyical.

J: You are autistic. I am neurotypical.

P: Our brains work differently and have their strengths and disadvantages.

J: Our brains work differently and have their strengths and disadvantages.

P: I'm good at learning. You're good at socializing.

J: You're good at learning. I'm good at socializing.

P: It does not mean that one is better than the other.

J: So you're a genius that pretends to be stupid to get away with things.

Revenge (

Meme: Phoebe and Joey conversation

P: If I did something that upset you, I probably don't know I did that

J: If you did something that upset me, you probably don't know you did that

P: If you talk to me in a respectful manner, we can clarify what happened

J: If I talk to you in a respectful manner, we can clarify what happened

P: Then I can make a personal rule to avoid upsetting you again in the future

J: Then you can make a personal rule to avoid upsetting me in the future

P: But if you just take revenge, I don't know why, so I think you're just a jerk

J: So I need to take revenge on you for calling me a jerk now

Don't punish me (

Meme: Phoebe and Joey conversation.

P: I'm autistic, so my brain works differently

J: You're autistic, so your brain works differently

P: Sometimes I misunderstand social situations without any awareness

J: Sometimes you misunderstand social situations without any awareness

P: But I respond very well to direct and respectful communication

J: But you respond very well to direct and respectful communication

P: So pls talk to me instead of punishing me

J: So I'm not punishing you the right way!


They think, "Jesus was cool. I like him, and I'm gonna try to be like him." Kind of like their guiding light is what would Jesus do? But there isn't a focus on identification, recruiting others, judging others based on their religion, fear of God, fear of punishment for sinning, respect for clergy as an authority, rituals, worship, etc. Basically, just the example of Jesus' life.

inb4: Christian lol!! got em!



Me: Proudly gives someone a heartfelt compliment

Everyone else in the room

Meme: Unsettled Tom (cat from Tom & Jerry)

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