While good in the way you outline, you are underestimating HP's fuckwhittery.
This could be the end of Mike Tomlin.
The heady days of using Copy-b and Copy-c in the Commodore 64 days. Back when floppies were really floppies.
WiFi is already pretty universal in smart automation systems, Matter doesn't matter much when the underlying protocol is Wifi. And since 99% of Matter devices are WiFi...
Psst, Max. The Rogers of today is not the same player from 5 years ago.
From what I'm hearing the Lions are burning up the phone line trying to get a deal done. It's just that so is every other team in the league. I'm sure the price is crazy right now.
Pretty much, yeah. Only thing not 100% yet are some of the more obscure peripherals. Example: Eye and head tracking. While sticks can and do work in Linux, it would be nice if VKB, Virpil, etc had native Linux calibration tools.
It would be comedy gold if the Rams jettisoned Stafford for the even older Rodgers.
But you have to factor in the current version of Rodgers, who is nowhere near how good he was in the past.
Look, I took out my sharpie and diverted the hurricane. It must be YOUR fault the hurricane hit your area.
The usual thing is to wait until you start winning, but lads, it's the Bears.
I had to support HP Personal Page back in the day. HP can't write software.