Like how some banks go "save a coffee now, buy a house in a year"
[insert curse words here]
I'm not ditching a perfectly good device, but I might get an alternative gas source
That is definitely handy, and easy to make lazy if required. I might have a look into scala
I get the idea, and how you keep it from copying a lot of data unnecessarily. A radical approach would be using immutable types exclusively
Well, keep it up! You deserve proper representation!
Subscribbled! Do you guys not have proper voting yet?
Sensible borders on the south, barbed wire in the north. I don't recognize the shape but I know that behaviour
I suppose immutability is a solution, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to radically isolate everything though
For cities: the omafiets, or a bakfiets for your kids and groceries. If that's pricey you can also ger a cart for behind your bicycle
For longer distances: anything with a bend forward in the bar that holds the front wheel. It keeps steering relatively straight on it's own. Electric is nice, but not really necessary. If you have the choice, go for something you can sit straight up on. It'll be better on your back, and more comfortable
If you're doing short distances to a train station, then a folding bicycle is great to have. They can be a bit clunky, but it definitely beats walking
You got hit with a troll, that's a comedian