
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago (2 children)

My friends and family are feeling stirs of panic, and it has pushed many of us to start taking a more active role in making our voices heard. Letter campaigns to Congress, joining activist groups and participating in those groups, and a much higher level of alertness towards government action are just a few of the more obvious results and changes I've seen.

I fear that it won't be enough, but with young kids in our household we are trying to do what we can in nonviolent ways. The risk of prison or worse would take a huge toll on the little ones.

[–] [email protected] 80 points 2 days ago (17 children)

Those look like rams to me

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

That's the only reason I'm not attending, I don't have anyone to watch my kids that weekend and it would be irresponsible to bring a 6 year old to something that could break into violence so easily. One cop or bad actor who pushes the crowd wrong...

I wish I could be there, but instead I'm going to teach my kids about what's going on and why the protests are happening. With video, if I can find any livestream of it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Why else would the orange be challenging the constitution? His current play of changing birthright citizenship is a practice range so he knows how to aim at his real targets.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

In this case it looks like it was too use less characters in the card description, keeping the font size larger as well.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Gross, it looks way too much like iOS for my taste. Glad I'm switching away from Google controlled android anyway, I'll be customized back to the old stuff if I have to.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Because in that syphilis riddled brain, the orange-blunder has had the brain-shart concept slip out of the diseased sections and into what passes for a consciousness, that by only having a state line, there is no border, and so he will have solved "the border crisis". This is not a rational human being we're dealing with, it's a geriatric puppet-dictator who very likely has some form of degenerative brain condition.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Thank goodness, I'm embarrassed that the walking cheeto would melt down like that while holding one of the most prestigious offices in my country, although unfortunately I'm not surprised by it. I'm glad Ukraine has other places it's leadership can turn too in this time of need. Sadly, I can only hope that the dark spector of mortality does it's work swiftly in the oval office and this geriatric orange is done for good sooner rather then later.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Tool use? Any examples of this, cause that sounds like it would be cool to learn about.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

TIL Musk has Canadian citizenship

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Id love to know how you got the first layer to stick, I couldn't get my Cr-30 to print anything more then spaghetti.


Back in the same ol' place again. Let's see how we do with the second go 'round.


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Goblin friend


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It's disappointing that copyright infringement could cause these people to spend time in prison, but the predatory practices of the companies they where competing with are punished with no more then fines. A "cost of doing business" for the corporate aristocrats. This is the threat the upper class uses on the rest of us, and all too often do not suffer themselves.

"Rules for thee, but not for me" - Corporations

It's disappointing that copyright infringement could cause these people to spend time in prison, but the predatory practices of the companies they where competing with are punished with no more then fines. A "cost of doing business" for the corporate aristocrats. This is the threat the upper class uses on the rest of us, and all too often do not suffer themselves.

"Rules for thee, but not for me" - Corporations


It's disappointing that copyright infringement could cause these people to spend time in prison, but the predatory practices of the companies they where competing with are punished with no more then fines. A "cost of doing business" for the corporate aristocrats. This is the threat the upper class uses on the rest of us, and all too often do not suffer themselves.

"Rules for thee, but not for me" - Corporations


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Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait

Assembly Bill A8132 has been assigned a "Same As" bill in the Senate: S8586 [] [A8132 - 2023]

I don't own a gun, I never have and I don't plan to at any time in the future. But if these pass in the NYS Senate and Congress, it would be required to submit fingerprints for a background check then wait 15 days, before you could own any "COMPUTER OR COMPUTER-DRIVEN MACHINE OR DEVICE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT FROM A DIGITAL MODEL."

This isn't even going to stop any crimes from happening, for pity sakes regular guns end up in criminal charges all the time, regardless of background check laws. How about some real change and effective measures, rather then virtue-signaling and theater illusion for a constituency?


cross-posted from:

Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait

Assembly Bill A8132 has been assigned a "Same As" bill in the Senate: S8586 [] [A8132 - 2023]

I don't own a gun, I never have and I don't plan to at any time in the future. But if these pass in the NYS Senate and Congress, it would be required to submit fingerprints for a background check then wait 15 days, before you could own any "COMPUTER OR COMPUTER-DRIVEN MACHINE OR DEVICE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT FROM A DIGITAL MODEL."

This isn't even going to stop any crimes from happening, for pity sakes regular guns end up in criminal charges all the time, regardless of background check laws. How about some real change and effective measures, rather then virtue-signaling and theater illusion for a constituency?


Assembly Bill A8132 has been assigned a "Same As" bill in the Senate: S8586 [] [A8132 - 2023]

I don't own a gun, I never have and I don't plan to at any time in the future. But if these pass in the NYS Senate and Congress, it would be required to submit fingerprints for a background check then wait 15 days, before you could own any "COMPUTER OR COMPUTER-DRIVEN MACHINE OR DEVICE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT FROM A DIGITAL MODEL."

This isn't even going to stop any crimes from happening, for pity sakes regular guns end up in criminal charges all the time, regardless of background check laws. How about some real change and effective measures, rather then virtue-signaling and theater illusion for a constituency?


I was introduced to the potential for ADHD as an adult, and now at 33 I have my official diagnosis! Severe ADHD / Innatentive Presentation I've never been relived to get a diagnosis of severe anything before, but I feel like I can finally feel sure about why I've struggled with these symptoms for so much of my life. Now I can start learning how to deal with and accommodate my symptoms, rather then trying to wrestle this many-limbed thing in the dark of ignorance.


Right, so at a glance alot of the posts here are for FDM printing, and while I love my Ender 3 and have no problems with it (anymore...) I really want to get into resin printing. I have a 2 year old Elegoo Mars 2 Mono that I've used a handful of times, because each time I try to print a test model instead of something that looks like a chess piece, all I get is a circle of solid resin about the thickness of a US quarter. I'm kinda discouraged by this, since I know plenty of people get into resin printing and love the level of detail they can get on it. Yes, I know I can get similar details with FDM, and sometimes I do, but I want to expand my printing horizons as well. I've tried printing at different ambient temperatures, reslicing the model with different slicers, and warming the resin before use, but I can't seem to get more then a disk from my printer. Does anyone have some advice or insight into this issue?


I've been reading the Animorph books and had a realization. So many people commented on how the Croc hunter would touch animals, just pick up something that was venomous or plain dangerous, and act like it was not a big deal. Yes, he always cautioned respect for living things, and the general idea was to show that these beings should be treated with respect and a little awe but not feared or disgusted. Wouldn't that be the perfect cover for an Animorph who needed to collect all sorts of powerful forms? And acquiring the morph is supposed to tranquil the animal for a bit, which is occasionally commented on when Steve would handle an animal. Plus, Wouldn't someone who travels all over the world and is famous be in a great position to combat a global threat with these powers? Traveling from place to place, acquiring powerful animal forms, then using them in his mission like a specialist before moving on to the next?

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