Those look like rams to me
That's the only reason I'm not attending, I don't have anyone to watch my kids that weekend and it would be irresponsible to bring a 6 year old to something that could break into violence so easily. One cop or bad actor who pushes the crowd wrong...
I wish I could be there, but instead I'm going to teach my kids about what's going on and why the protests are happening. With video, if I can find any livestream of it.
Why else would the orange be challenging the constitution? His current play of changing birthright citizenship is a practice range so he knows how to aim at his real targets.
In this case it looks like it was too use less characters in the card description, keeping the font size larger as well.
Gross, it looks way too much like iOS for my taste. Glad I'm switching away from Google controlled android anyway, I'll be customized back to the old stuff if I have to.
Because in that syphilis riddled brain, the orange-blunder has had the brain-shart concept slip out of the diseased sections and into what passes for a consciousness, that by only having a state line, there is no border, and so he will have solved "the border crisis". This is not a rational human being we're dealing with, it's a geriatric puppet-dictator who very likely has some form of degenerative brain condition.
Thank goodness, I'm embarrassed that the walking cheeto would melt down like that while holding one of the most prestigious offices in my country, although unfortunately I'm not surprised by it. I'm glad Ukraine has other places it's leadership can turn too in this time of need. Sadly, I can only hope that the dark spector of mortality does it's work swiftly in the oval office and this geriatric orange is done for good sooner rather then later.
Tool use? Any examples of this, cause that sounds like it would be cool to learn about.
TIL Musk has Canadian citizenship
Id love to know how you got the first layer to stick, I couldn't get my Cr-30 to print anything more then spaghetti.
My friends and family are feeling stirs of panic, and it has pushed many of us to start taking a more active role in making our voices heard. Letter campaigns to Congress, joining activist groups and participating in those groups, and a much higher level of alertness towards government action are just a few of the more obvious results and changes I've seen.
I fear that it won't be enough, but with young kids in our household we are trying to do what we can in nonviolent ways. The risk of prison or worse would take a huge toll on the little ones.