What exactly are our goals in all this?
I'm not sure i want to commit to whatever this is...
We are still in this together, but "this" is going to be real different in the very near future. This demands a different kind of "we."
The French Resistance during Nazi occupation played important roles delivering downed Allied airmen back to safety, supplying military intelligence, and acts of sabotage.
The Underground Railroad is estimated to have brought 100,000 freedom seekers to safety between 1810 and 1850.
It's time.
What exactly are our goals in all this?
I'm not sure i want to commit to whatever this is...
To show that you're not okay with it and that there's many of you.
You only have to gain by going. It'll only get worse and worse as long as those fucktards are in power.
Again with the short notice. Y'all, people have jobs, people have families. Arrangements have to be made and contingencies have to be planned. Where will you stay? What if you get arrested? Who's going to watch your kids?
If you want good participation, especially with such high numbers, you can't just give people two weeks notice.
tbf, I've been hearing April 5th for over a month now, but it still doesn't change the fact that without a highly coordinated movement, these protests aren't going to get close to the desired effects
Why do you expect this to be easy?
Yeah let's ask creeping fascism if we can arrange a time where it works for all of us
Why do you expect people to just leave their jobs?
If I leave my job without notice, I get fired. Jobs are scarce where I live. If I have no job I lose my apartment. If I have no apartment, I am homeless. If I am homeless I can't get a job. If I can't get a job I'm dead because I can't afford my asthma meds.
Honestly, I've thought for a long time that this is one of the big reasons Republicans are against universal healthcare. If losing your job could likely end in homelessness or death it's so much harder to protest.
That, and your healthcare being tied to employment means your employer can abuse you more. Which I guess boils down to the same thing.
It literally means you're only worthy of care if you are 1.) in the confirmed service of a company or 2.) already wealthy.
eyup. take healthcare out of the equation and my job options would open up considerably.
Well, it's a Saturday so many people (hopefully) don't need to work their typical Mo-Fr jobs
Also, you can give a notice. There is still quite some time until April 5th
Is there ever a time, where everyone would be available?
And your comment should actually put the blame on the current system, where it's seemingly a life or death sentence to leave work for one fucking day.
So I think, it's very much worth to fight for change here.
With your argument, unions are also a really bad thing, because people strike and maybe don't earn money.
It's the fucking system, where people live paycheck to paycheck, and are forced to just swallow every shit, because they can't afford to defend themselves.
If you can't defend yourself now, do you think, it will get easier in the future, when you didn't complain about changes now, that make your life even harder?
I only expect that you try to give more than you originally thought you could. It's up to you to understand the risks you face and how to deal with that. Maybe that means you need to figure out an alternative to this protest - like if you can't make it maybe focus on getting others to go. Or putting signs up around your neighborhood.
But we DO each need to do something and coming in here and being negative and discouraging is not helpful.
Did they even bother to send an evite or do they expect you to add it to your calender yourself?
Betcha they haven't even thought about finger foods. This is bullshit.
No shit add the cost of trying to get to DC in their as well. Why do they keep doing it this way? Most of us all living pay check to pay check. Can't do this.
Someone else suggested sponsoring someone (maybe someone you know). Not a bad idea, if people can't make it.
If you can't be one of the tens of thousands of people coming out, you can do your part online. Or at the very least, prep your family the best you can.
Thanks. I'll try to keep up on the happenings so I can be more prepared.
You lads are hilarious. Can I have the day off to protest the fascist oligarch boss? Please?
Do you understand that there are no protections for workers here? I mean, the OP of this thread is just looking for reasons to bitch (this is assist not the first time this protest date has been announced), but in case you're not American, people can and absolutely do get fired for taking a day off work. And our health insurance is tied to our jobs. I'm not saying everything needs to be handed to us on a silver platter, but your comment belongs on Reddit. Let's try NOT to feed into their breeding of hate amongst ourselves. Or go bitch about the Americans WHO DO NOT WANT THIS somewhere else, you have plenty of places to do that.
How do you think those protections were won in other countries? Indeed those few that are in America? By asking nicely? By quietly waiting through six months of the demolition of rule of law and any form of backing for the little protections you do have?
Your comment belongs on X, with the other variations on "No, it's fine, just sit there, eventually the right date to express your dissatisfaction in a completely safe and risk-free way will come around and your children will thank you that you didnt risk your mortgage even if they express it mainly by sterilising themselves so they never have to be so beholden to a future that will never come as you were."
I never said just sit there, you are putting words in my mouth. I said to stop SHITTING on people who are trying to survive in a country that is designed to keep them down
You're kidding right? You know most of "those people" without protections you speak of are going to be targeted next. First they come for the trans and gays and the disabled and sick. No worries. That's not me. Then they come for the poor and the brown. That's all good that's not me either.
Then they come for you. Oops.
Those workers without protections won't have jobs soon enough. The world outside of your little American bubble is making sure of that. Question is
Will you fight then?
I'll fight right now, but standing around with a sign is not going to save those people
Yes it will. Raising awareness by protesting absolutely helps people. It builds community. What many places are sorely lacking right now and desperately in need of. People need to meet one another again to care about them. Going through things together helps people relate to one another. Suddenly someone with more offers it to someone with less because they've had the same experience. Protesting and holding signs absolutely helps. Being defeatist and insisting any sign of resistance isn't resistance is just playing into the hands of the regime that controls the country.
Cause right now it's quite obvious from the outside that very limited numbers even give a shit about anyone or anything but themselves.
Still mindblowing every time I see it.
Give it a year or so. People aren't feeling it so much yet.
yikes.... you can't even make time for A DAY to fight fascist. i guess you don't mind after all?
I don't live anywhere near DC or a capitol. It's not a simple matter of just showing up.
Me either. Not everything is "for" me. There are people who it is for. More publicity means it'll reach more poeple who it could be for. If you happen to know someone who's going, kick them some money to help cover gas, water, food, first aid, whatever.
Good idea.
That's why there are limited numbers. The solution is simple, get rid of the restrictions that stop most people. Once enough people lose their job and have their family in danger, they'll protest. They'll do more than protest.
If he cuts social security enough, he might generate the same impulse from seniors who have the time, and the ones who are able will show up quite livid. I don't think he realizes that you can't push people all the way and not have consequences, you do have to keep some semblance of bread and circus intact for control.
That's the only reason I'm not attending, I don't have anyone to watch my kids that weekend and it would be irresponsible to bring a 6 year old to something that could break into violence so easily. One cop or bad actor who pushes the crowd wrong...
I wish I could be there, but instead I'm going to teach my kids about what's going on and why the protests are happening. With video, if I can find any livestream of it.
Honestly this wasn't even close to enough of a heads up. We need a 2 month notice of a day to just get this done.
fuck yeah, these guys are killing it.
coupled with all the judges and lawyers, all the executive orders they're managing to stop is pretty great.
will of the people with legitimate political act action.
you have my support once again but y'all really need to start doing long-term encampments of DC in particular
Y'all? Be the change. I'll fucking join you.
Serbia did that for months, nothing changed.
Yep only destruction and violence makes real change. History is written in blood...
Milosevic rules to this day, according to u/Sektor
Vucic resigned?
Vucevic did, seems like Serbia should keep the pressure on
What? Where?? Besides DC. Where do I go in Alabama? What is this?
Every state capitoI, at noon local time.
See you there!
I don't think we're doing this, friend.