The UK born wife and kids are in Russia, presumably je will head there via... somewhere and has a stash of cash available
V2G and V2H is here, so you'll be able to store there and draw down overnight in a suitable ecar.
A large pumped hydro in Qld has been cancelled by the new Lib government, so won't be able to store it there. Snowy Hydro pumped storage is way behind schedule and locally Redflow went backrupt, so huge Zinc Flow storage batteries arent available to rollout to store excess energy and Lithuim is a shitty choice for large grid batteries.
There are no solutions that involve personal car ownership. Appealing to entitlment just makes it worse, will it be inconvenient? Yes, but the only other option is the collapse of civilisation.
Here's the IPCC
but also makes clear that simply replacing gasoline with batteries won't be enough: cities must also dramatically curtail the use of automobiles and avoid "locking in" future emissions with more car-dependent infrastructure.
"I see no way out of revolutionary changes to how we live today .... it is too late for non-radical futures" - Professor Kevin Anderson
I use Organic Maps these days but just fired Osmand up to test and it was near instantaneous and located me when it opened. Samsung S22u
I havent done anything to setting etc that I am aware, it has been on my phones for a long time (and came across from my previous Samsung Note 9) so I may have done something back in the day.
Of course he's Australian, we gave the world Ruoert "the turd" Murdoch as well.