
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 28 minutes ago

In the case of climate change and being a profit seeking business, I'd assume attempt to identify things whose demand will increase, like land in the areas predicted to remain most comfortable to live, farmland in areas least likely to lose productivity, companies that produce things like water desalination infrastructure, etc, and buy those things early before they become more expensive.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago

I've generally heard the origin explained as coming from an offshoot of the general scifi community in the late 70s to early 80. There are a lot of animal people in sci fi (things like aliens designed after animal people, or stories about animals given human traits and characteristics, or people being spliced with animal dna), and fantasy stuff which has a related audience, and some people particularly liked that trope.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 20 hours ago

I mean, the current borders of the US do include some former foreign states and land previously owned by others, that were taken over in the past, Hawaii for example. Does that not make it an empire, or does that stop counting after a century or so?

[–] [email protected] 52 points 1 day ago (10 children)

While I agree that its unlikely for him to go out that way, failed attempts dont make the chance zero. The people trying that only have to get lucky once, he has to avoid being unlucky every time.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

I doubt they really have plans that far, and if they do, I doubt that a full on war to destroy western Europe would be that plan, vs trying the same tactics to manipulate the population as have been tried on the US. The US, and Russia, have the capacity, at least from their nuclear arsenals, to destroy Europe, certainly, but that capacity exists within Europe too. A full on war with Europe is unlikely for the same reason that a full on war between the US and the Soviet Union did not occur.

Beyond that, it should be considered that shared autocracy is not a particularly great incentive for alliance. It can represent a source of common interest for the elite against anything that threatens autocracy in general, but beyond that, there is no reason for an oligarch in one country to not see an oligarch in another power as much more than competition. If you want to own and control all you can, someone else also doing that is to be regarded with suspicion, not natural trust.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 days ago

There is a long history of connection between cars manufacturers and fascists, to be fair. But beyond the history involved in them, car centric design contributes to it: Mass resistance is more difficult with physical separation, which driving promotes. Inefficient use of resources promoted by spread out design, and a requirement to buy, fuel, and maintain an expensive vehicle make people in even wealthy societies poorer, and people struggling to maintain a formerly comfortable quality of life are exactly the kind of people that fascists like to recruit, as they can often be convinced to blame scapegoat groups for their struggles and yearn for older times that the fascists can promise a return to.

Im not suggesting the one is entirely to blame for the other, you can certainly have fascists without car dependence, and cars without fascists, but they contribute to the conditions that fascism can take hold in, and make life easier for such regimes once installed.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

Screaming is just as exhausting and meaningless as not screaming.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It does have a useful definition I think in "a non-state actor using violence to serve some political goal", as that at least lets one categorize a murderer who just hated that specific guy as having something different going on with them compared to a murderer who wants their act to shock a nation into taking some action. It's commonly misused as "someone using violence that we don't like", but there is still some utility in understanding a person's motive for doing something.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Avoiding flushing the water is even harder

[–] [email protected] 21 points 5 days ago

My cats start 2 full hours or more before their feeding time, so that would be quite inaccurate

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

If the violence actually stops that and doesn't just become a symbolic victory where the fascists get to keep the laws they passed at the cost of a punch at the legislative floor, sure. But that wasn't my point. I wasn't saying "violence in politics is a bad thing to consider under any and all circumstances", but "if a country has reached a level of polarization where even the members of its governing body feel the need to resort to that with eachother, things have already gone wrong". It's a symptom of a serious problem coming to light, not the problem itself, in other words.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Not a fan of being out in nature, personally, at least not actual nature as opposed to like an urban park with deliberately laid out trees and flowers or something. I find city downtown areas more comforting. I imagine the bugs and forest creatures probably don't particularly miss having one more human stomping around their habitat though.


I know this seems like two unrelated questions, so let me explain why I would like to do one of these two things: I recently got a drawing pen tablet with a display, which works fine, except that I am left handed, and my wrist keeps hitting the side buttons. The driver allows me to flip the pen inputs, but not the actual display, it just works as a regular monitor in that regard and relies on the windows settings (windows 11 in my case).

Now, I can flip it if I set it to extend my main monitor, however, I would like to be able to see what I am doing on either monitor, so I would prefer it to mirror my main monitor, just rotated 180 degrees. Some googling suggests that windows does not allow you to do this, except for a glitch involving changing the settings to extend and then back to duplicate, which I cannot manage to achieve. Does anyone know any workaround, or some extra software or such, that would allow me to do this?

Alternatively, if this cannot be done by any means, I would rather not use the extend function as is as I also often play games where moving the mouse to the edge of the screen moves the map around, and so would rather my mouse stay at an edge when reached instead of moving to the next monitor, ideally with some sort of hotkey to toggle what monitor the mouse is on. Is there a way I might achieve something like this?

EDIT: turns out this was all unnecessary, because the tablet itself has an option to do this rotation, its just in a part of the on-board display settings I didnt see before, isnt accessible from the driver UI that Ive seen, and wasnt mentioned on the tutorials that I found on the manufacturer's site that suggested windows had be used to control that rotation. Thanks anyways to everyone that tried to help me while I spent hours searching for a workaround needlessly.


All the spines and frills are supposed to be for sensing vibrations to help it not need eyes. Supposedly a herbivore, but not really since I just kept both cells mouths all the way through. Kept some cell movement as well, never realized before that the flagella makes a neat rat-like tail in creature stage if you make it large.


Specifically the type of printer that prints using spools of plastic filament, but that seems like the most common type anyway


Like, I just was thinking about how lots of pet species will just eat as much food as you give them to the point of making themselves sick, and keeping them at a healthy weight requires not giving them access to too much food. Obviously some humans have problems with this, but imagine how bad things would be if everyone were basically psychologically incapable of not eating food when we had access to it even when we'd had enough, given our dramatically higher access to food due to agriculture.


Name isnt anything too creative, its just called the "Slowboat Hauler", but it isnt supposed to be anything too fancy, just the space-fairing version of a bulk cargo freighter, designed by a species that at the time would have thought ftl travel impossible, needing its ships to take the slow way round. The big disk up front is supposed to be a shield to take the impacts of space dust and gas at extreme velocities.


This little iron refinery probably isnt much to look at for experienced players, but Im pretty proud of it. has 2 miners on a pair of pure iron deposits behind the structure feeding into the 8 smelters inside, divided into 2 different output locations because the best conveyors I currently have can only handle half it's output. There is a small amount of clipping, but nothing super cheaty looking (the mergers that clip through the outside wall dont use the side that clips through, so I like to imagine the exterior bits of them as looking like some sort of ventilation ducts or something.


This is more meant to resemble some kind of early interplanetary spaceship rather than a true interstellar one, but considering you get your ftl drive by just finding one on a nearby planet, I figure this is the sort of tech level your species would realistically have, to start with.


Possibly not the ideal instance for this, but Id rather not deal with alt accounts and like how this instance has been run thus far. Plus, theres gotta be some other furries that play this game right? seeing as it lets you make creatures...

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