Visible panty lines.
Let's not use the word "controversial" when "nobody with any qualifications would ever fucking agree with this" is more accurate. Controversial suggests a lack of consensus.
Not trying to be judgey, just trying to give you a push. You're right, we all have stuff. It's how you deal with it that counts.
I think if you're gonna charge people fees then it should be regularly maintained. Big reason I'm done with sync.
You're actively sabotaging yourself, your relationships, and your physical health because of your thoughts. Also you come across as more than a little unstable. I am not a therapist, but if I can get this impression reading 5 paragraphs of what you write, I would say you have serious issues.
Does this matter? I think we should lose the mock outrage over this and instead have actual outrage for things that we should be outraged over.
My advice: budget for it, you really need one. There are lots of therapists who offer sliding scale.
Step 1: install linux
Step 2: google everything you don't know how to do
1st/2nd/3rd world terminology becoming increasingly outdated as America becomes aligned with Russia and Europe and Canada distance themselves.
A loft like this is pretty typical in a dorm type situation. Am I missing something else?
It's honestly been long enough that I don't remember. I do remember really liking season 2, however. There's a lot of character development over the course of the series.
By the time people my age land in nursing homes, the constant Simpsons quotes will confuse the Gen Delta kids so much.