This is what happens when a wannabe dictator isn't held accountable for their actions during their previously failed coup.
You forget that their plans for an "overhaul" of any given program amounts to nothing more than cutting funding and hoping they can pull the wool over their constituents eyes with some new atrocity long enough to make everyone forget about how worse off their lives are now.
Costliest blaze in history so far...
I got into vertex shading in lieu of doing anything UV-coordinate related.
For reference, that's what Mario Sunshine used to fake most of the game's shadows, and the original Homeworld used them to create the entire skybox back when 3d-dedicated hardware wasn't too common.
That's the problem when you have a bunch of narcissistic opportunities vying for power. Eventually, they start trying to push each other down the stairs...
Nah, icicles are occasionally sharp...
I'm going to start calling them Tesla hatchbacks.
This is what happens when we let foreign interests fund our politicians.
I have to admit I have no proof other than it wouldn't be the worst thing these kind of companies have done.
That, and as far as putting down any sort of 'grassroots' movement, making them look like fools is a move straight out of Freakonomics in regards to how the KKK was effectively out on blast by the Superman radio Broadcast of the day.
By showing how crazy and dumb the organizations 'secret codes' & 'rituals' were, their numbers dropped precipitously.
That looks like a band-it strap puller/tightener.
I forget what the actual name is, but it can latch onto a metal strip and pull it tight around some digs to keep boxes and canisters in place, or to hold a strong back repair plate on a damaged pipe