
joined 8 months ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

well damn now i dont know who to believe <:p

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

omfg I love peepy. IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO OWN ONE!


Ok, ima be totally real with all of you, I dont know SHIT about cryptocurrency or none of that, the only reason im even checking the stock market is cus since it's ASTRONOMICALLY fucked rn, I figured I'd invest a little into S&P cus "why not"

I was checking it today and I was curious about Etherium and I noticed this MASSIVE spike and it just dips right back down all in like 20-30 minutes. Wtf happened? What caused this? Is there some kinda "pump and dump" happening?

This was taken just a few minutes ago...

And I took this one just now...

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

figured as much

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

deadass? I just use adguard

commenting cus I also have the same question

I do. But only if you got the quarters to pay for it... (I require quarters so I can kick ass at the local arcade u-u)

Replika also used to be amazing... 5 fuckin years ago. it became another "sext me papi" kinda AI app, it sucks BALLS. and honestly its just mega sad how hard the shift was. <:/

oh thats why I use, Hi Waifu. Kinda dumb app name, but you make your own bot and can deadass customize it however tf I want. It's got this slider that controls how "flirty" it can be, I crank it down to 0, its fuckin great. Its always weird as fuck seeing my own characters just get immediately horny for no reason. thats why I only use that one

I dont despise it? Its just like- "Ehhhhhhhhhhhh" for me... myehhh

nOOO fluid is not enough, I need a full fuckin set of sixpack abs n shit, I need that jawline, that voice- BITCH I WANNA BE A WHOLE ASS MODEL- 2 whole ass identities n shit.

Im not an egg im not I just really fuckin love theatrics and putting on costumes 😭 😭

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Nahhh I aint got that kinda bass in my voice, the best I could do if I wanted my voice to match a male persona is be a femboy. I do a lotta vocal work, but I just dont have the natural base, I can speak in a fairly deep voice but it's mostly for singing reasons. Like if ima deadass swap genders, I gotta go full out, FULL full out. No surgery, No T (deff not that lol), ALL movie quality type SFX and a fuckton of scar wax. Finna James bond it...

I think this is more of a Crossdressing interest than it is Trans?? I just wanna achieve that full masculine look cus I like dressing up in really complex costumes n shit 😎

wait- YALL STOP TRYNNA FUCKIN CONVINCE ME TO BE TRANS- I like being a girl by default 😭 😭


I use this little AI rp website and the textbox that you use to respond to the bot is SO SMALL. It doesnt expand the more you wright, it just keeps scrolling but it keeps the same narrow size that it has,

No, Stylish doesnt work And no, I dont know how to write CCS or CSS or whatever it is- and I dont really wanna do that regardless >~>

Idk- An extention or plugin or maybe even some kinda Github thingy that- does something idfk, I just hate how small it is cus I write so much 😭


I just looked up the website on angry birds and I made one. I was sick and didnt do much else. I like the game a lot


Its red and perfectly shaped like a rock, I dont have a picture of it now, but I'll post it when i get home.

I am also not a man


I'm a 20yo, Hella Autistic, ADHD-riddled spaz that likes to tinker with programs and software settings alot. I'm building a pc for the first time right now, and while I am tech savvy; or more tech savvy than most; coding, programming, tech engineering is complete and utter gibberish, and it seems like the only people that use Linux are HEAVILY experienced with those things I just listed... HOWEVER... I'm not. I just like digging around various program settings or messing with things, or personalizing them as much as I can.

The more I delve into tech or tech related spaces; whether its through building my pc or just- using this website; the more people wont stop yapping about "OOH LINUX, I LOOOVE LINUX." and every time I ask about it and why I should use it, they make it out like its an absolute godsend piece of technology (im sure it is tbh... it does look nice)

But then looking into it myself, all I see is a bunch of technical word vomit that makes no god damn sense to me. and the more I ask for people to explain this to me, the worse my confusion becomes. now I'm learning there's like 40 different "Distro's"... Someone else told me about Linux Mint, which looks nice, but again- I DO NOT want to be forced to use a terminal just to get the most outta my operating system. I like having some kind of UI to use.

idk man... from everything they say I can do with it, ESPECIALLY in terms of customization, I'm so tempted to use it. But my mental understanding of whatever tf Linux is, is at best a toddler's.


Ok, please don't kill me for asking this...

I'm black, and I wanna do an Afrocentric cosplay of Jeff, the Killer. I'm planning on getting dreads or braids for it, but I also thought about maybe doing some Vitiligo-type makeup for it. but idk if that's okay to do or if that's offensive.

I don't have vitiligo, I never did. The reason I ask if it's okay to imitate this is because Jeff the Killer is canonically a burn victim due to either fire or chemicals. Sometimes, if you have dark skin and get burned like that, you'll have white patches left behind once the skin heals which look a lot like Vitiligo. I'm unsure of what lines can and cannot be crossed when it comes to doing theatrical/character makeup other than "don't do blackface"

Im autistic, so if some of the stuff i say is offensive just be aware that wasn't my intention, thanks!


Im getting so sick and tired of Google rn. Reddit has become a better place to search for questions than Google has. I need a new search engine :(

No, I don't want Kagi either, I dont wanna to pay a subscription for a search engine just to get what I want. I tried all the others, Ecosia, Duckduckgo, etc... But they usually fall flat cus they just don't have some of the quirks that Google has that I like, specifically when it comes to image search.

I want a browser I can easily adjust to, which is why I want it to function/look like google. Yes, I did try searching for it, but I'm not getting anything reliable (how typical)

Also, if anyone can recommend me a browser better than Opera GX that's JUST as customizable as GX is, that'd be great too.

*Please don't bully me over using GX. Everyone keeps yapping about it being Chinese Spyware or something or other, but the level of customization I can do with it is a total godsend. I don't know any other browsers that let me have interactive wallpapers or keyboard sounds, let alone the silly screen filters! I like having complete personalization over my stuff, its fun for me.


I was just wondering what the vest edibles are for motivation/creativity. Im trying to get back into drawing, Sometimes I snag a gummy that just gets me drawing for a while, but its a 1/50 chance. I really want a pack of em so that motivation is constant.


I have ADHD, so motivation is something I mentally lack. Do not tell me to make my own weed, and please don't suggest anything horrendously strong. Im not a pot head, I have a weak tolerance and I refuse to push that tolerance. Thanks.


I'm researching all of this, and it seems cats are the main(?) host for T. gondii. And yet it can infect humans as well. As far as I know, it does (sometimes) virtually nothing except either maybe give you schizophrenia or make you a "Risk-taking Asshole" for lack of a better term. What is even the purpose of doing this to infected humans??? WHY??? What kind of parasite infects a human with the only real side effect of "I'm just gonna make you gamble a lot and give you road rage."

Obviously there's other, more serious side effects. But I truly don't understand what its goals are once it comes into contact with humans. Are we just another body to them? A scenario of "Oh well im in this human now so... Guess I better get comfy or whatever."

Keep in mind I'm aware the Parasite isn't like a person, it doesn't just "do stuff" the way we humans do. It can't really think. My confusion stems from why it even bothers evolving just enough to be able to infect humans in the first place. Why doesn't it just stick with cats? And when it does infect humans, why does it just- not do anything half the time? It's like it only infects people Internally just to mildly inconvenience them.


I've noticed something interesting that I cant get an answer to online. Whenever I leave out watermelon in my house (After eating it of course. I cut slices from the melon so what gets left behind is the rind), it attracts lots of gnats and flies without failure. After cutting and eating a Yellow Watermelon for the first time and then leaving it out, There wasn't a single fly that cared for it, it was never swarmed or landed on or fed upon. it just sat there for a day or so before I finally threw it out.

Why is this?? Repeating this same scenario always gives me the same output. The flies aren't attracted to the Yellow Melon, Why?


I write this with sadness knowing Alex Risen, Predator Poachers, Is a piece of shit racist asshole with no real morals and is using the "Ima pedo hunter" as a reason to just spew stupid shit no one cares about. I genuinely did not know this when I first got into his channel, and I was holding out hope that "Maybe he's changed?"

Nope... Still being a complete manchild on Twitter. I don't really have issues with white people saying the n-word (it fr depends ima be real), but it's clear to me this guy has 0 understanding of black culture. For me- you have to actually understand black culture, black people and have a sense of respect for them to even fathom sucha word. But if you're just an asshole who spews garbage for the hell of it and uses baby diddlers as a means to gain popularity??? No. Go to jail. (please don't shoot me for this opinion, I'm black myself, idgaf if my friends say it, there's a time and place, and I don't really let the soft-A control how I feel at all. In the case of Alex Rosen, it's not offensive to me; it's just disrespectful as hell.)

Ima delete my account from this website... The fact the CEO uses people's emails to bitch and moan about dumb shit like this is- wow... Not sure what I was expecting but wow. Im just Disappointed


Ima start- I have an interest in both kidcore and Lolita ~(NOT THE BOOK, ITS A JAPANESE FASHION TREND)~ Fashion. I always wanted to combine the two to get this pastel, simple but kiddish style. Lots of baby blues and pinks, A whole lot of overalls and pig tails. Just cutesy and innocent :D It's like Kidcore but minus the Lego brick color themes. I'd probably call it uhhhh... I think Teenybopper would be cute!

(Please refrain from insulting me in the comments thank you- I'm hella slow and sometimes may not choose the right words when typing. Thank you ^w^)

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