It's not the strain or the specific edibles. It's you. Just draw.
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This. You can take acid if you want, but everything you need to draw, you already have.
noooonononono I have a history of severe ADHD, Depression, and Tourretes. Im scared anything hallucinogenic will Permanently fuck me up, and none of my psychiatrists can really answer me honestly if its a good idea (They just tell me not to do it period cus drugs)
If you're having doubts, don't do it. Simply because the anxiety and doubt is a gonna ruin your trip.
I genuinely believe hallucinogens can be a tool of personal development, but people who tell you it can cure anything are just quaks.
I'd recommend doing it once you have your shit figured out, not before.
Its not??? I coulda sworn some people swear by the strains or the process in how their made that produces different effects?
The extra creativity associated with weed is largely due to the calming effects of marijuana. It's hard to be creative when your stressed, and the entirely of existing is stressful these days.
Just decide to be creative, have some weed, and relax. 😊
A lot of those effects you get from weed come from terpenes. Most studies say that these didn't carry over in edibles, so manufacturers tend to add cbn to make 'indica edibles' and if there's thcv in them it may give you a little boost and help limit the munchies.
A lot of it is placebo.
It’s due to when you harvest the plant.
The longer you let the plant go, the more THC degrades into CBN which is what makes people relaxed. Sativas typically flower longer and take longer for the THC to degrade, so sativas typically lead to a creative high.
But it’s entirely down to harvest time, and yes there is a vast difference in the effects between THC and CBN. Cloudy trichomes = THC and Amber = CBN, let a plant go until it’s 100% amber and you won’t be moving after consuming.
So to answer OP find edibles that are fully THC and avoid CBN, or find some flower that’s not too amber and make your own. Thats kinda the only options, you don’t know what type of trichomes edibles are made from, some list the CBN quantity, but not all.
Learn to make your own edibles the ones from dispensaries or online are weak and overpriced. Can do capsules, make butter, make alcohol tincture, lots of options. Just find a good supplier of shake.
I'd very much rather not :/
Im not that deep into pot, and I'm most DEFINITELY not turning my house into a weed lab just to craft edibles. I dont have the time nor patience to make my own edibles like that unless I already have a jar of premade cannabutter to make brownies. Other than that no- I dont like the smell nor the idea of having to cook/process weed flower in my house
"Weed lab"! You make the procedure of baking a ground up plant in the oven for 30 minutes then putting it in a crock pot with coconut oil/butter sound like a Breaking Bad meth cooking operation. Jesse, we need to cook some brownies :)
I respect that processing hemp flower at home isnt your thing. WNC CBD has always been top tier with its thca flower and the edibles from them will almozt certainly kick ass. They know what they're doing.
I suggested homemade edibles or tinctures as an economic and effective option. Usually edible users look to pot for frequent pain relief or stress medicine. Buying premade stuff thats actually effective at helping gets pricey quick for medical users.
Here in USA you can buy legal thca or cbd hemp flower shake right from wholesalers online dirt cheap. Moreover there are specific cooking appliances like the magic butter maker and nova fx too which automates the whole process.
In case you give it a second thought, the pot smell released during the oven baking process can be mitigated by sealing the flower in a mason jar while cooking in the oven. The jar can easily withstand the 240f temp you decarb the herb at. This also helps recapture active terpenes and cannabanoids that vaporize at low temps.
Good luck, hope you find some awesome stuff.
I used to make edibles by putting ground weed in a mason jar while baking. 305F for 18 minutes. It's better to do it longer at lower temperatures, figure out the math yourself (I've long forgot to how I came up with that) but I lived in an apartment and I wanted to shorten the amount of time I had hot smell-producing weed at all costs.
The math for how much weed you can decarb in a mason jar before overpressurizing is basically impossible because weed gives off co2 in addition to the air expanding as it heats up which sounds like it can be calculated but it doesn't ever work out. But I did find that 16oz jars fail at somewhere between 40 and 50 psi and it's the metal lid that fails first every time. If using a smaller jar than 16oz, the glass may explode first but larger ones should be safe.
Unless you live in an illegal state and are absolutely surrounded by war on marijuana supporter type people, this is way too much effort for the average person. Just put ground up weed on a baking tray and run it for however long any random baking recipe says to do.
thats smart....
Im scared I'll fuck up the butter somehow tho 😭😭 I got everything I need I just gotta get some good flower
You'll never get good at a new skill if youre too afraid of screwing up to even try or give up after one go. Dont expect perfection from yourself and do the best you can. Learn something from the process and do it slightly better next time.
Fortunately cooking is very forgiving. If you do one or two things slightly wrong just roll with it. Here is the guide I am using today for my butter. ... also its text based counterpart If it goes well I'll update.
If its your first time i recommend not using super nice flower just get some cheap shake that way you aren't loosing much if the batch gets scuffed. After a few batches of cheap stuff you can take what you've learned and go for high quality flower.
The crock pot will be smelly do that part outside or in garage If you can. They have cheap propane ovens you can use outside for decarb too just need to get a oven thermometer and keep an eye on it.
gotcha. Is there certain strains fir baking btw? Like the "fruity"/"candy" flavored straines? I use leafly to look at all the types of strains and some say they're fruity or somethin
tbh I've ALWAYS wanted to make my own cannabutter, but Ima have to do it at my white friends house (He kinda middle class and has that good shit) I cant risk my kitchen smellin like wee, my momma would kick my ass 😭😭😭
I may buy some premade and bake that... Ive been craving chocolate cake/brownies for a LOOONG time now, im fucking jonesing for a lava cake rn
I don’t know what’s up with everyone else in this thread. You need strain-specific sativa edibles. In fact, I would suggest getting a couple of grams of resin, and making some cookies or whatever. The specific strain of Sativa will vary by person. Everyone s mileage varies so to speak. However you can definitely search for strains that encourage creativity. Check out or similar sites. They’ll want to link you to pages to buy stuff through them, but all the knowledge in the site is free, and they have a good database of dispensaries.
ChatGPT is also delighted to chat about this subject in depth. It’s generally decent on accuracy in the topic, but it never hurts to verify your data, just to be safe.
Hope that helps!
Ive been dying to make brownies for a while!! Do you think Tincture oils work? Or should I shell out for some Cannabutter?
I’m honestly not sure what you mean by tincture oils, but I am pretty sure that will not work. You’ll want some kind of concentrate. Something along these lines:
Try taking some caffeine at the same time.
this is perhaps the one helpful suggestion I got
There are plenty of helpful suggestions here, regardless of if you choose to act on them.
earlier someone said what Im probably looking for was Speed 😭😭😭
Uppers often help people be more productive and creative. Just look at the many millions of people that have ADHD and need to take speed just to function.
Dude... Adderall is an ADHD medication. I've already been legally prescribed Adderall. It doesn't have the same effects AT ALL compared to people who dont have ADHD. All it did was give me Tics and made me a little less distracted. It aint gonna work like that
I like live rosin sativa edibles. I would take like 5mg or even less depending on your sensitivity.
I would also sometimes take live rosin sativa edibles mixed with a little CBD. Also 5mg or less. Supposedly the CBD "evens out" the effect a little bit.
I live in a state where we don't have legal weed (in USA), so I would get the federally legal stuff. Very expensive to get something with proper contaminant testing. I would get Hometown Hero brand if I needed to get federally legal stuff. There are more brands that are good too, but it's been a while since I've purchased those.
Visiting a legal state, I found was these things called "potdots." They are basically M&M's 1mg of THC each. Start with around 2 or 3. I really liked how easy it was to take very small doses.
my dude, it's not the specific food. It's the specific flower.
I Dont smoke tho
Have you considered vaping? Either flower or concentrate, its way less harsh than smoking and smells much less. Concentrate especially, within a few minutes the smell is going to dissipate. It's also nice being able to control your dose and not having to commit to 12+ hours of being stoned, which are both issues with edibles.
Yeaa but how do I know if the smell truly isnt there?? Dont most smokers become nose blind after smoking for so long??
Also I tried a disposable vape that looked like a cig one time. Nearly vomited cus it burned the fuck outta my throat, I hated it.
Unless you're constantly exposed to a smell you aren't going to get nose blind. I don't think the smell from vaping flower or concentrate lingers long enough to actually get nose blind to it. Maybe if you vaped flower once every 15 minutes for a couple of days you might get there. It's really nothing like smoke and doesn't stay in the air long or absorb into clothing the way smoke does.
Disposable vapes are crap and completely different than vaping flower or concentrate. You should avoid them, and avoid carts. If you do use them, don't try to finish every last bit because you'll start burning the wick and inhaling things you really shouldn't be putting in your lungs. They also often use distillate, which is total shit compared to real concentrate.
Just randomly stumbled upon this post, good to see you are still around
Sounds like you want speed.
Fucking no???
I already have ADHD, I take enough fuckin ADHD meds as is. Im not boutta do hard drugs like that just to draw.
Salad. It's the fat and sugar that makes you fat and rigid
Salad???? What??
Not quite, you wanna try again? Pay attention this time:
The question is "What types or brands of edibles make you want to draw?"
For me its as much about the mindset and prep as it is about the choice of product. I prefer to be creative/productive over chill/couched most of the time. If I'm trying to hit that ADHD flow state high, I usually drink some mango juice (interacts with those receptors) or have a slice of pizza (fat increases the absorbancy of the cannibanoids). I've heard broccoli acts similarly. Then I'll do something centering like take a walk or rock in my hammock for a bit. After that, I'm using revving my gears ready to ram into a project headfirst. Your mileage may vary.
These have a little thcv in them.
Live resin???
Isnt that shit mega powerful??
No it's just how they extract the THC from the plant that makes it live resin. It's no stronger or weaker than any other type of concentrate and your gummies are a fixed dosage anyways.
They have amounts listed. I think each one is 20mg ∆9, 10mg cbg, and about 1 mg cbda. Description says thcv but it's not list on the back.