My first computer ran on 5 1/4" floppy disks.
Because fuck you.
They're far more useful as stationary power supplies, so really, it doesn't matter much in most cases that it can fully charge in even 2 hours.
Right now we're seeing lots of roofs start to show damage and leaks from rooftop solar. The industry is going to have to figure out a better way because people won't be happy about the trade of cheap electricity for expensive roof work. It can be done well, but these companies that pop up and install panels as cheaply as possible are going to screw things up.
It'll cause them to drop out and become permanent cheap labor that can be exploited due to not having a highschool diploma.
"Don't worry. I won't point out that you spell 'a lot' as two words, not one."
Sounds like college.
If the public got to hear first hand all the black humor that goes on in the EMS field, society might further collapse.
Yes. I enjoyed the simpler "rock paper scissors" offense/defense of the older games. There is such a thing as too much and it would be nice if game developers didn't always feel the need to add way more stuff to every sequel.
I enjoyed the fighting simplicity of the original pokemon games. I could recognize and know the names of 151 pokemon and their weakneses/strengths. Now there's too many pokemon and too many counters and hybrids. Too much work to keep track of.
I can already speak to every animal. It's them speaking back that's the problem.
It's not for any of the above. Grid systems will have many batteries and not need excessively fast charge/discharge rates. Evs still can't really use them because they're simply too heavy for the energy density. Longer range evs already need beef8er suspensions and chew through tires from the weight. Going even heavier with even larger batteries isn't very feasible compared to the alternatives.