Biden might be a senile old fuck, but this is a good thing.
What a fucking piece of shit.
Good. This guy is not a piece of shit then, unlike that other guy who runs Ubishit.
What a fucking piece of shit. Yuck.
Good for him. He's had a very good decade. Glad to see that he's one of the good ones when so many other Youtubers have proven to be pieces of shit.
Deported to where? Kenya? /s
What if it's not about him not being able to come up with his own material but about him liking Hitler?
Good. Sad that he's turned out to seemingly be another piece of shit. Smh.
Yup. What a piece of shit lmao.
- Why should being dead change what people call someone? I understand *why *people might think this way, but I just think that they're wrong.
- The boiling frog thing is a myth.
- If it's denial, then I would still find her morally blameworthy for hogging the seat for so damn long.
- If the person you knew isn't fit to drive anymore and would genuinely represent a threat on the road, then they are a bad person for trying to renew their license, just like Dianne Feinstein is a cunt.
Both, kinda. I think she was too gone at the end to know where she even was, but she still should have stepped aside YEARS ago when she was lucid enough to know she was declining. Again, she's still a fucking piece of shit cunt for not doing so.
Fucking pieces of shit. What the fuck.