I know i'm old, i just found a new hobby: messing woth the younger generation by messing with their slang.
You know, like how grandpa called every pokeman pikachu...but on purpose.
I wanted to get premium and while i was considering it they had 2 price increases.
No thank you, bye.
I am of the mindset: i want value out of my money, subscriptions that let you own nothing immediately falls out of my requirements so i need it to be a price i'm willing to pay. Which is a low price.
I cancelled spotify the moment they added €1 to the cost, all it gave me was a play button and a bunch of bullshit i don't care for like a year in review. Dude, i was there...listening to that music, i already know what i played so i don't need you to tell me.
But that's just me and i'm the odd one out it seems.
I compare spotify like this; i bought a cd from the discount bin for €5 and got to play that for a whole life and i'd be happy if it was all i had. Spotify opens up do much music to you which is really cool BUT i used to buy a single album a year and copy that to a new cd/mp3 player to add it to the previous boughr cd's. So my cost went from €5/€20 a year to €11 a month while i own nothing. In my head that's automatically a waste of €112 euro's that are spent with no real returning value.
The biggest value most subscription services offer is: they'll stop literally pestering you with ads.
So that's why Instagram is the way it is, i assumed it was fairly small but it has attracted a rather toxic userbase and i don't actually enjoy it anymore.
It used to be a place where i could share my joys and people with similar interests would follow me because they enjoy my joys too.
But now it's just tiktok, at least i assume seeing it's all reels and loud noises.
Someone quick, put them in a sock.