
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

more people need to know that feminism is for everyone, and that it's not necessarily against anyone. if feminism feels against you, the question becomes what is it about you that feminists find harmful. and i want to make it clear, i don't jive with everyone who calls themselves a feminist. i'm not on board with TERFs and i'm not on board with #GirlBoss feminists who present feminism as some form of neo-patriarchy in a similar vein to neo-colonial approaches to racial justice where we do colonialism from a place of revenge. and before you say this stance is an attack on traditional masculinity, understand that no, it's just a critique of toxic masculinity. there's a difference. the difference is Tim Walz and JD Vance. both are really good examples of these two kinds of masculinity. Tim Walz is really and truly into "guy" stuff. he likes hunting, he coaches football, he's the breadwinner for his family. none of us are bothered that he's all those things. why? because he doesn't want to dictate to anyone what it means to be a man. do you know who does? JD Vance. none of us are bothered he wears makeup, looks like he's never done a day's work in his life, or that he fucked a couch. we're bothered that he doesn't take accountability, promotes a singular version of performing masculinity, and that that version of masculinity includes inflicting harm on others. arguably even, Tim Walz is more traditionally masculine than JD Vance. but still, he's the one feminists respect and appreciate.

i desperately hope this reaches someone. i hope someone reads this and it starts them on a journey. waking up from false consciousness is the hardest thing to do, and the only real way to do it is to go out and befriend people the system treats worse than you, and to really listen to what they have to say. and i don't just mean hear. i mean come in with not just an open mind, but an open heart. come with a notebook if you have to. treat them like the subject of an interview, but also treat them like a respected and loved family member. and if they say they aren't the ones to teach you something say, "i understand. can you direct me to some good resources so i can start shifting my perspective. i obviously haven't been exposed to this"

because ultimately that's the thing. we are all products of our lived realities. and all of our lived realities include hegemonic propaganda that tells us patriarchy, racism, capitalism, and nationalism are all inescapable natural realities when they are not. we evolved empathy for a reason. our emotions toward others are our antidotes. think about that the thing that comes up in WWI diaries that haunted surviving soldiers the most was what they found in enemy trenches: not monstrous brutes, but instead young boys, just like themselves, trying to survive. they felt that way, they felt that horror, because the violence of this system benefits a select few, so the system must subvert our own best interests. when they felt that horror they were experiencing the confrontation of the cognitive dissidence the terror of the violence of the system instills in all of us. they were on the edge of realizing that the root cause of WWI, nationalism, is a big dumb stupid tool that keeps any of us from ever breaking free

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

men's lib is part of the feminist movement

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (6 children)

that's patriarchy, which enforces capitalism. that's not the natural order. that's how we're programmed

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

you're right. antifa is anti-fascist. we don't want another hitler. and the reason it's "controversial" is that the right wants another hitler. they have another hitler. what we're engaged in now is a war about what truth is. the right wing has captured most of media. so they're trying to direct their actors to promote the message that antifa is the source of the problems to capture the ~50-60% of americans who never know what's going on. these dumbasses will be swayed by the most basic psy-op campaign. they are manufacturing consent for that they're about to do genocide against american community members

[–] 7 points 1 month ago


[–] 3 points 3 months ago

what i find interesting is that Denmark has been one of the more consistently helpful countries to Ukraine

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

fuckin'. WHAT!?

like i absolutely believe you, but this sounds completely insane

[–] 8 points 3 months ago

even if he doesn't, we should still write "Deposed Dictator Blues" about him

[–] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

it's a reference to a poem about the rise of the nazi party in the 1930s

[–] 14 points 3 months ago

they forgot what they were nevering again and got too caught up on the details. also Israel was founded by Nazi sympathizers and collaborators, including the founder of mossad was a member of the SS

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

thank you alduous huxley for the warning. maybe with the next rise of fascism we'll be better equipped to listen to the story tellers warning us about the dangers we're in

[–] 8 points 4 months ago

for some people it's an excellent topical ointment. for others like me, we're allergic and it makes us itchy


I dunno. I just feel less like I'm experiencing a fun new tool for communication the last few weeks. The communities here on Beehaw are still great and fantastic and aren't what I'm bothered by. It's just when I venture out in the world (which I often do) that I notice conversations are much more argumentative than I remember them being.

How's everyone else doing? Is this a minor vibez check?


(I mostly need this link for work tomorrow, but I thought maybe some folks here would be interested)


Jon Bois' and Alex Rubenstein's documentary about the Minnesota Vikings continues. Will Bud Grant win a Super Bowl this episode? Will someone freeze to death? Who will perform a feat of humanity so impressive that we will become lifelong fans, not for their exploits on the football field, but for their acts of humanity outside the world of sport? Tune in to find out!


The Hacker News and take on NeoVim is frequently that NeoVim has done tremendous harm to the overall Vim community and that the NeoVim developers aren't respectful to Beam. Having been involved in both commubitues, I have never been able to track where that idea came from. Vim has accelerated in features drastically since 2013 and the NeoVim team often goes out of their way to speak well of Bram.

JustinMK, the main organizer these days of NeoVim has pinned this issue to increase its visibility. I'm not really fully certain what should be the most fitting tribute, but its hard to express how much impact Bram has in the world of software development through his flexible improvement to a text editor from 1975. He's also been an excellent benevolent dictator for life over the Vim community throughout its existence and it feels like the world of open source software got just a little bit worse for his loss this week.


Specifically in the making of Synergy Kombucha, the company intimidates workers with threats of violence, does not pay living wages, and does not pay overtime


This is a very interesting article about the long-term sustainability of the Fediverse for moderators, administrators, and developers. We've already had two of our lovely Beehaw admins take breaks to take care of themselves as they experience the burnout associated with maintaining a community, and I think for a lot of use we already know how exhausting it can be to take a center stage position in an online community.

Unfortunately, I don't have any great starting points for what to do, but at least talking about it is a start.


The title I have assigned this article is intentionally boring. The article's body goes out of its way to not provide simple summaries, silver bullets, or otherwise give a single size fits all answer to everything. The author actually gave it a fun title that, I felt, did a slight disservice to their overall point, but hey, we all make our own decisions.

I thought there was some interesting stuff in there about the Fediverse at large, even if that wasn't expressly what the author was getting at.


I just went for my run. And wanted to talk about it with some of my new social connections here on the threadiverse. I used to run a lot. Like a lot a lot. 100 miles a week sometimes. I was a long distance specialist trying to qualify for Olympic marathon trials. Injuries and old age have ended that chapter of my life and I often find myself needing to remind myself to be proud of my ~10mi/w workload because that's more than a lot of people my age in my profession do.

Today I just ran around my neighborhood. There's a nice park nearby but I don't get to go to it very often because the street I have to run down to get there can be pretty scary. I think access to green spaces is something that often goes neglected in community planning in my country


For the screen readers: this is a picture of a small preying mantis, no longer than the first knuckle of my index finger


Explanation for screen readers: it's a tiny little praying mantis that was on my door this morning. Roughly the length of the first knuckle on my index finger


It gives me hope for the future of beehaw refederating with that instance. They host some interesting communities. To be clear, I fully support beehaw defederating, it's just heartwarming to see instance admins do things that move things forward

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

This little guy was crawling around on the hiking trail my partner and I were on in the central Appalachians

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