
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I had COMPLETELY forgotten about this game! But I remember being super impressed and loving it as a kid.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Jazz jackrabbit was also a marketing vehicle for the Gravis game pad. And the gravis game pad, As shitty as it was, was a fucking revolution And playing it with jazz jackrabbit was a fucking delight.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Anybody out there have any thoughts on this? Three days and no comments that’s pretty sad. I don’t know enough about the industry to have an opinion on this.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 weeks ago

If you think she was at all aware of Trump’s rape case you’re dreaming. She was probably too young to even remember “grab her by the pussy” Because I don’t have the feeling she’s ever been engaged politically.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

POP. ICCU calling.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Precolonial big ag? What on earth are you talking about?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Keep living in a fantasy world where literally anyone could be entrapped as a terrorist. You disgust me. Political Islam isn’t a race or a religion. So glad to see your ability to pull the wool over the eyes of western secularists is finally coming to an end.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

Not digging into this again but I read the minor who had sex is not a cooperative witness and now denies anything happened. Kind of making this a “neither he nor she’s says but some people who were there say…”

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

They are an ideological group generally aligned to the GOP but are with the Dems because the GOPs eschatology supports the other team. However, fundie Christians and Muslims alike want to have moral authority and control over people.

They’re not a voting block that’s with us for any reason except we know the least about fundamentalism and seem to have less of a boner for religious Zionism.

Crazy that ex-Muslims tend to flock to the right because the left has its head up its ass and racialises Islam as hard of not harder than the right wing. Racializing Islam is actually part and parcel of modern political Islam as well, and any “liberal” or “leftist” pushing that narrative is a useful idiot.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Bet you a nickel that old Wii now has a toasted GPU chip and graphical artifacts. The Wi-Fi chip apparently cooks the GPU if you has Wii24 enabled.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

It’s absolutely preservation in use in an academic sense, just not following best practices for archival of the original data.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Did screenshots taken with the method you mentioned have bloom, Like you would see from an image taken from a CRT? I associate bloom in screenshots from being directly Photographed from the CRT.


How long does it take for a properly working Nintendo DSi softmodded with Twilightmenu++/nds-bootstrap to load a game from the SD card? It seems to take nearly a minute to load a game for me. Everything works perfectly, it just seems to take a stupidly long time to get through the nds-bootstrap process (the first load of a game takes the longest, but subsequent loads of that game are only slightly faster).

Meanwhile I have a Nintendo DSlite with a flashcart that is wicked fast to start a game, but the power consumption of the thing in standby mode is out of control to the point that standby mode is essentially unuseable.

Is the trade-off really between stupidly long game loading times if using nds-bootstrap to start a game on the DSi but great power consumption, and wicked fast game loading but terrible battery life on a DSlite with a flashcart? Or is something wrong with my Twilightmenu++/NDS-bootstrap install?


[email protected]

There was no coordinated effort to relocate r/consolerepair to a lemmy community, so we're starting from scratch. The community is open to console repair questions for all generation consoles, as well as functional mods (e.g., ODE/RGB/HDMI mods). Come on over!


I have an NES front-loader where I fried something in the "silver box" that handles power and A/V (this NES part has no consistent name in the repair/modding community, that I can tell, so I'm calling it the front loader's "silver box").

I was using poor technique with my multimeter trying to test the voltage regulator and I think I shunted 12v to ground. I have an entirely socketed NES for chip testing and all of the IC's work fine. The issue seems entirely limited to the silver box.

Rather than try and rebuild the silver box, I was thinking of seeing what "no-cut" options are out there. TheRealPhoenix used to sell Borti's no-cut NES-IO but COVID part shortages made the PIC it relies on hard to get, and he lost interest in returning it to production as certain features it had are now unnecessary (e.g., game controller activated in-game reset and palette mod changing is now available with v4 of the Tim Worthington NESRGB mod).

Does anyone know where I can order a "silver box replacement kit" that has the following features: (1) interfaces with v4 of NESRGB, and (2) uses a mini-DIN for RGB output and also has s-video output?

I know I could locate an appropriate PCB that comes with a BOM (parts list) where I could source parts separately, but I'd rather buy a kit.

A lot of the bare PCB's that are posted online seem to require trimming a corner of the NES PCB or the internal case to make it fit, or rely on cutting a hole in the brittle NES case to install a SNES multi-out)

Givent the above info, can anyone recommend either:

  • a no-cut kit that is available for purchase, or, if none exists,
  • a straightforward PCB that requires no trimming of the hardware or the case with a BOM/parts listing that doesn't require unobtainium

I love how Adrian Black shows what the scope should look like for the C64 on power on, etc. but I have never seen anyone do the same for an NES. It would be a fascinating video. Anyone seen anything like this?


I am looking for a console repair community. I didn't see one when I searched "all" communities on lemmy.world. But I'm new here and didn't want to reduplicate a community that already exists perhaps under a different name?

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