
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 22 points 18 hours ago

I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea. I can see every flaw people are saying as well. It's kind of my guilty pleasure.

2 1/2 Men: Multiple stages really.

Jake getting older and the addition of his friend.

Alan turned from a down on his luck guy to blundering comic relief. It has its funny moments, but there is a lot of cringe to be had in that change.

Replacement of Charlie with Ashton. I know the crazy behind it. That said, he makes it completely unwatchable. He doesn't carry nearly the same energy that Sheen does. The same dynamic doesn't exist between him and Alan, character wise.

They dialed Alan's blundering to 1000% after Charlie left.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

The problem with resistance to fire is that all the stuff that makes a car comfortable for us to use is also flammable. Foam, fabric, tires. All flammable. We an slow down things, but any accelerant will negate that.

While we do have flame resistant fabrics and foam in there, there is no way to engineer it completely out. Cars are mainly engineered, safety wise, to resist crashes and impacts. Engineers don't really sit around and think, "Man, what if someone lights this bitch on fire?" On an ICE, they try to position the fuel tank to where it isn't easy to hit directly.

Getting caught requires someone seeing you. Camera, person, whatever. As for the other evidence. Gas is easy to get, and there are millions of suspects that all hate Musk and see his products as the a symbol to him. A few may royally fuck up, but it's gonna be a hard case to vet out.

For or against? Not one owned by someone. I'll leave it at that.

Musk? He can go fuck himself with a barbed wire baseball bat dipped in citric acid.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I have to wonder. P2025 has hit the ground running. Wouldn't they have a contingency in place for just such an occasion? I'd bet they already have someone up their sleeves for the eventuality of him passing on his own. There is definitely someone up their sleeves for if we have another election. I do think there would be a vacuum. I think it would be short lived. We all suspect the gop is falling in line due to blackmail material. Their relief of the blackmailer being dead would be short lived when they realize he didn't actually hold the cards. They'd all fall in line behind whoever the back room tells them to.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Let me ask you this:

How am I supposed to organize a mobilization of people in a country that is 2,800 miles (4506km) east to west and 1660 miles (2671km) north to south? How do I communicate where to meet up? How do I ensure our targets don't get wind of it? How do I ensure everyone is there? How do I make sure we get every leader that is going to need to be ousted? How do I ensure they're even going to be there? How do we find all of the money backers that want this crap? How do we decide who should lead this new leadership chain without starting another fight? How do we ensure that the military doesn't just mow us down when we try? If I can't lead this charge, who does? How do I find someone willing, and is actually capable of leading this charge? How do I ensure I don't just have some trigger happy yahoos that will shoot anything remotely a target before anything starts? How do I ensure we don't have bad actor there to tank it all (and there are plenty)?

Look, I see what you're saying. I'm pissed off. This isn't supposed to be the country I was raised in. It had many issues. This isn't the country that I raised my hand to fuck my body up for.

I'd love to pick up my weapons, drive the 2 weeks across the country, and do something about it all. I have kids. I know, I know, what the future holds for them is much worse than homelessness. That is still a rough pill to swallow. I'm a frog on a hot plate. That hot plate is thousands of miles across to get off. It is surrounded by 100's of other hot plates that have to be dealt with to stop the heat. Some of which I wouldn't even be able to find, or would be constantly moving around with the capability I have to mobilize (jet vs driving).

Do I flee the country? Do I stay and fight back the best I can? I can't flee. I can't work due to severe medical issues (another rub in this entire thing, how do I ensure everyone is able bodied enough to help). No one is going to take me in. The best I can do is arm and stock like I should be wearing tin foil on my head. Try to be as self sustaining as we can. A garden. Some chickens that will end up having to be guarded by Brinks soon. Then vote for the shit sandwich that doesn't have glass in it and is covered in barbed wire. Try to help my kids see why this is all bad. To differentiate good sources and bad sources of information. Weed out logical fallacies. Pick out gas lighting. Try to prepare them for a better future that opens more options for them. One that allows them to leave the country if needed. How to participate and make things better, and why they should participate in voting and other such things.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

This right here is a big issue. It breeds "I got mine", and I see it constantly.

Why do people need welfare programs? I'm not struggling. (literally said to me last week from an ex coworker) Why should I have to pay for other people's health care? Why are people worried about jobs? I was able to find one easily. I don't understand why people can't save money. I can do it easily. Why do we need disability help? I can work when I'm injured.

All of these results of the mentality of "We're number 1!" We're number 1, so there is no way that there are problems. See! Look! I am not struggling! So no one else can possibly be struggling either!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

I'm not sure the time he has left in him but, while he is up and going, he..we should be grooming his replacement. Not AOC either. Not that she wouldn't be a good one. It's that we could use the numbers. I wouldn't want 2 to turn into 1. We have to have someone lined up and ready to go from the get go.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

From "The Hunt for Red October", to "you shouldn't have started the war against russia then."

Red Dawn to half+ our leadership bowing down to him, and a president calling him a good guy.

God damn what a wild ride.

The internet came way too quickly, or at least it evolved way too quickly for us. We should still be on 56k and surfing Limewire for what may or may not be what we're actually looking for. 24/7 access to everyone all around the country, and world, was too fast as well. We can't acclimate that fast. Our brains weren't ready for it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

I'd love to do the same but I need to max out my ram before doing so. I have been working with Blender as well, so it'd be a benefit on that front as well. I have been going through the making a head tutorial and reached a point where it maxed out my system resources and I couldn't progress.

I used it to help fine tune a couple short campaigns for other artifact items. I am going to run through those eventually as well.

It's a very interesting usage case imo. DnD Beyond has that 3d campaign program out in beta right now. This would be a good usage for that system to me. Especially for small groups that struggle to find a DM or enough players to run. It could be a help to someone trying to run solo as well.

I'd love to see LLM integrated into video games more to help give the NPCs life and make the game feel more life like. Even enemy NPCs. I'd love to see a game where enemy NPCs wander from their "zone" and try to attack different areas. Maybe even cities.

It's something that DAoC had in it, in limited quantities. I remember one small town would get attacked every so often by a group of NPCs. You could watch them march from their usual camp over to the town. They'd stand outside the walls and the leader would yell that they were in the area first and would yell insults. While this was happening, they'd throw rotted corpses over the walls. It would give you a disease debuff every time you entered, and you could get attacked by giant bugs that were attracted to the corpses.

Eventually they'd retreat on their own. If you could take out their leaders, they'd retreat then as well. If you killed the leader while he was in their camp, it would delay them going to the city until he respawned. If you kept attacking the camp over and over, it would diminish their number so much that the respawns would slow down. You could eventually clear the camp and keep it that way for some time.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

What we need is an mmo where you can make a difference. What do I mean by that? How would that work?

For start, the "you're the hero" thing, where 12981891961899 other mother fuckers are in the background doing the same exact thing, or getting the same exact speech as your are, needs to go. Just make me a regular dude that is adventuring. Just like DnD tt.

How do you affect the world then? In DAoC, there were NPC raids on cities. You could go in and kill the leader, then the whole group would disband and run back to their village across the river. There were other similar events like this throughout the world. We need stuff like that. NPCs, or even players if you choose PvP, that affect the world. Instead of staying in one spot and just roaming a set path, they should be attacking the cities that they are mad at or revolting/gathering to revolt against. Make it so they can actually take territory. Take over cities. Assault capital cities. Even just randomly wander on a not set range. What I'd give to play an mmo where I have the chance to be randomly jumped by (level appropriate) NPCs. Even outside of a place they're normally found.

This adds dynamic change to the world. It's not a static area. It makes it so that beginner zones are abandoned as soon as most level out of them. You need to make sure NPCs don't take over the city because you need that flight path/horse route/etc.

We could even have animal infestations. People aren't killing farmer bill's rats? They take over the farm and whatever he supplies isn't available in the local city's stores.

There are so many things that can be done with NPCs to make the world feel alive and more dynamic. Again, I'm not the hero here. I'm just an adventurer, a normal mercenary, that is trying to keep the enemy in line or the rat population from getting out of control.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My man, I watched an accident yesterday in a grocery store parking lot. A raised up truck was backing out and a car was behind it. The car honked. Laid on that horn. It was a loud horn. Truck didn't even flinch. Backed right into it.

I've been passed by "loud" motorcycles many times. I saw them in my mirrors. I have a tiny blind spot, but I tracked them the entire way. What I didn't do is hear them. Especially at highway speed, they're undetectable.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It would add to the price, which would suck, but I'd love to see some sort of HUD assist system. Even if it was a wire frame or something that appears as a HUD on the windshield. Not bright enough to blind you or be in the way, but enough to see. User could adjust the color (within limits to maybe not negate the system). To me, we don't take enough advantage of HUD tech and different types of vision that a computer could do that a human can't. Make it come on with the headlights or something. That way it's not on during the day.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Everywhere I look, assholes! /s

We'd be fucked. My memory sucks and I'm on a heavy dose of neuro meds for pain. Flying would also be a no. I have a constant vertigo sensation.

That said, I'm usually pretty good at keeping upbeat and friendly. Not greedy. Don't care how you dress, what you worship, what you call yourself or identify as, and think you should have your own agency over your body. So at least there's that.

Sexy time would be weird too. Do I call my own name?

Oh! And I can do that mirror prank endlessly!!


I decided to test DS's ability to act as a DM. I have a small campaign that I had an outline for.

First, I ran the outline through DS and had it create a campaign out of my outline.

I next uploaded the outline and had DS run as DM. I played 2 characters. DS added a ton of flavor in there. Names, some general backgrounds and attitudes, names of places, etc.

The interactions were pretty good. It acted out the interactions with my characters. The interactions stayed in character, relevant to the world, relevant to the character's background, and relevant to the current events that had happened both in world and with my characters.

I ran it as 1 continuous chat. No parsing. No summary. I wanted to test the limits of DS and see how far I could push it until it majorly stumbled and went completely off the rails.

To my surprise, I was able to finish the entire campaign (short)! There were a couple of stumbles. Mainly in initiative order. I had to remind it a few times who's turn it was. There were 2 other places that I noticed outside of combat. All instances of stumbles only occured later in the campaign.

It started to try and voice for my characters. I reminded it not to and it didn't again.

When I returned to the beach of the island I landed on, the ship I came on was wrecked. That one I'm on the fence on. The waters around the island were treacherous, and it is completely within reason that the ship could have beached itself while I was gone on the island.

There is a story I had written that I had it make into a campaign. That one is a bit longer but still short compared to many other campaigns. I will try to run that one next. I'm downloaded all of the LLM sizes right now. I am probably going to try that locally hosted with the 158g one. I'm going to end up adding 128g ram soon. I will try the larger size DS LLMs after that.

I'm really curious to see just how far I can push it until it completely breaks down.

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