Shutting down the Inflation Reduction Act smells like lobbying from the fracking industry. Everyone but natural gas merchants benefits. Taxpayers lower their energy bills. The Federal government becomes more energy secure. Electric utilities see their profit margins increase as the delta between Summer and Winter seasonal loads normalizes, allowing for enhanced optimization of real estate holdings related to having spare capacity on hand to cover load spikes (the extra capacity is a source of constant expense, but only occasionally runs & generates revenue).
Even if the electricity used to run the heat pump comes from a gas burning generator, it will still use less gas compared to burning it in a furnace in someone's home. Heat pumps don't create heat, they just move it to and from the outdoors, so they're able to reach efficiencies over 500%. They're still over 100% efficiency even after accounting for the -40% hit taken at the electrical utility's gas generator and the -5% hit taken over the electrical transmission lines. Comparatively, the best furnaces are only 95% efficient.
Yeah, at release cops would spawn in on top of you. One of the first patches changed that - now they spawn in far enough away that you don't see it happening. They're stronger now too. It used to be the case that an optimized character could win a stand up fight against MaxTac (the highest level cops sent after you when you max out your wanted level). Not so much anymore. You can still win a running attritional battle against them, but you can't just stand there and gun them all down before they end you.